Current Environment: Development


For Clinicians | Overview

Each day at Boston Children’s, our caregivers are seeking to improve patient care through research and innovation. We look to share our experiences with hospitals and caregivers around the world in an effort to grow and learn along with you.

That is why we provide content for orthopedic specialists, detailing the research, innovation and advancements to patient care being made at the Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department at Boston Children’s Hospital. This content includes complex case studies, research highlights, faculty spotlights, and surgical videos, along with our entire list of publications for the quarter.

Complex Cases

The Complex Case involves a case study and related imaging of a particularly challenging or intricate treatment of a patient’s injury or condition. These cases can range from incredibly involved surgical procedures to complicated decision-making between physician and patient family. No two cases are the same, and our specialists focus on what is unique to each case and how they go about treating each individual patient.

Research Highlights

The Research Highlight is selected from our extensive list of publications as one particularly interesting and relevant topic of research. Hundreds of publications come from the Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department each year, all with the goal of advancing patient care and improving treatment procedures. With this highlight, we hope to bring attention to those that may be of interest to other orthopedic specialists, as improving patient care is a team effort both within and between hospitals.

Surgical videos

Each video is filmed and narrated by an orthopedic specialist, detailing a procedure that they routinely perform here at Boston Children’s.


Our list of publications is separated into sections based off our specialty programs. Click on any of the individual publications to be taken to the full article.

Advancing Orthopedics

Subscribe to our Advancing Orthopedics newsletter in order to see a new Complex Case, Research Highlight, Surgical Video, and list of publications each quarter.

To refer a patient to our Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department, please call us at 617-355-6021.