Current Environment: Development


Winter Weather

Snow is in the forecast. Consider switching to a virtual visit to receive care from home. Learn more>>


Research at Boston Children's Hospital

The research enterprise at Boston Children’s Hospital, comprising more than 3,000 researchers, is the world’s largest at a pediatric center. Our work is fueled by a deep understanding of disease biology coupled with world-class discovery platforms, including genetics and genomics, gene editing, bioinformatics, proteomics, bioengineering, image analysis, biobanks, disease-specific stem cell lines, and a range of animal models. We have special expertise in rare disease discovery, a robust Translational Research Program and large, diverse patient populations for clinical research and trials.

Making immunotherapy safe for AML

The Genovese Lab has developed an innovative strategy, using base editing techniques, that prevents immunotherapy from harming normal stem cells.

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Nanobodies from alpacas could steer immune attacks on influenza

A new strategy takes advantage of alpacas’ unusually small antibodies, which guide flu drugs directly to infected cells while drawing a powerful immune attack.

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Zika study reveals how infection can cause microcephaly

How did Zika in pregnant mothers cause their babies to be born with abnormally small heads? This study suggests possible targets to protect babies' developing brains.

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Talk to Lesley