Funding Resources | Overview
Harvard Catalyst offers pilot grants to HMS and their affiliated institution's investigators who need seed funds for early stage research anywhere along the translational spectrum, from basic/preclinical investigation to practice- or population-based research.
Foundation Center provides both free and paid training services to help organizations and individuals seeking funding. Educational programs include the funding research process, proposal writing, grantmakers and their giving, nonprofit management and sustainability, and related topics.
The website provides a description of various Career Development Awards, along with eligibility considerations and funding policies.
Fellows can check the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for grant applications and associated documents (e.g., reference letters) due date information.
Funding opportunities for postdoctoral researchers are available to researchers between completion of a doctoral degree and acceptance of a faculty position.
This page provides information about NIH Career Development Awards
Office of Sponsored Programs (internal link)
The Office of Sponsored Programs handles governmental, foundation and other non-profit funding arrangements. Grant officers are assigned to the research community by department and division. They serve as the primary points of contact for grant application review, award acceptance and administration, sponsor relations and inter-institutional administrative arrangements related to governmental, foundation and other non-profit sources of funding.
PIVOT is a searchable database of federal and private funding opportunities in all fields. The Office of the Vice Provost for Research maintains a subscription for PIVOT for all Harvard-affiliated faculty, staff and students.
SPIN is an extensive research funding opportunity database designed to help Researchers and Principal Investigators spend less time searching and more time doing research, while getting results that match their research criteria.
University of Berkeley Website
This website can provide fellows with extensive information on funding opportunities for researchers.