Current Environment: Development


Office of Investigator Outreach | Overview

A close up of hands using a pen to point at a computer screen.

About the Office of Investigator Outreach

ICCTR is committed to supporting Boston Children’s Hospital faculty to become successful and independently-funded clinical researchers. To achieve this goal, our program’s primary focus is on early-career investigators. We provide a single contact point to navigate research resources, educational offerings and career development opportunities at Boston Children’s as well as Harvard Catalyst. Our goal is to help you — please reach out if you have questions or unmet needs.

Services offered

Investigator consultation

We offer individual investigator consults with a focus on early-career junior faculty and trainees. Consultations can be research project or career-based. Topics to include the following:

  • Navigating Boston Children’s resources: We can assist investigators identify and utilize existing institutional resources to support clinical research projects.
  • Developing research projects: In consultation with the clinical research team, we can provide consultation with a focus on study design or implementation.
  • Mentorship connections: We can help facilitate connections between junior and senior Boston Children’s clinical investigators with relevant expertise. 
  • Harvard Catalyst services: We can help investigators navigate available education and research resources.

Departmental/Divisional consultations

The ICCTR is committed to supporting and expanding research infrastructure established by each department and division. To this end, we can meet with research leadership to understand unmet needs, including training of new research faculty.

Educational opportunities

The ICCTR offers a broad range of research education opportunities for faculty. The ICCTR educational calendar provides opportunities tailored for investigators.

Career development grant writing course

We co-sponsor the annual career development grant writing course with the Brigham and Women's Hospital Research Education Program. This year’s course will be question and answer style. In spring 2022, we will pilot a grant writing workshop in collaboration with Harvard Catalyst. Division and department research leadership will nominate participants.


The Office of Investigator Outreach sponsors an annual population science pilot grant, an under-represented in medicine faculty development grant and clinical research supplements to the Office of Faculty Development grants. The ICCTR provides RFAs for available funding opportunities.

How to request services

Submit a Redcap intake form.