Current Environment: Development


EQuIP | Overview

Education and Quality Improvement Program

EQuIP is committed to providing on-going support and services to update and educate the Boston Children's Hospital research community of applicable regulations and policies required to ensure human subject protections and overall data integrity. The EQuIP staff works closely with each sector of the research community to provide the tools and guidance to help them satisfy the requirements.

EQuIP is a resource dedicated to you, as part of the research community. Our staff is available to provide guidance on the best practices for conducting a research study as well as to help address issues and questions that may arise during a study. EQuIP offers many services, but our staff is always available to answer questions and willing to tailor existing services to meet your study's needs.

If you have any research-related questions or would like to request any EQuIP services, you can email or call our EQuIP staff anytime. If you would like to ask your question in person or would like us to review a specific study document, binder, file, etc., you can schedule a meeting.



Eunice Newbert, MPH, Manager

Tonya Ferraro, M.Ed., Senior IRB QI Consultant