Current Environment: Development


Deadlines and deliverables

Call for proposals: anticipated late Spring 2022
Grant submission deadline: July 12, 2022
Grant award decisions announced: August 1, 2022
Grant funding period begins: September 1, 2022

Questions: Please contact either Dr. Lise Nigrovic at or Dr. Valerie L. Ward at


Enid Martinez ICCTR Funding Recipient

Enid Martinez, MDIn collaboration with the Office of Health Equity and Inclusion and the Office of Faculty Development, the ICCTR is pleased to announce Enid E. Martinez, MD, is the recipient of the 2021 Underrepresented in Medicine (UiM) Faculty Clinical Research Grant. Dr. Martinez’s project, "Examining the role of zonulin in gastric dysmotility in critical illness," will significantly expand the knowledge in the area of gastric motility and inform therapies for these critically ill children. With this award, Dr. Martinez will receive two years of support.

This research funding opportunity was developed by the Office of Health Equity and Inclusion and the Office of Faculty Development and supported financially by ICCTR/Harvard Catalyst for junior faculty who belong to a racial/ethnic population underrepresented in medicine (UiM) and science.



Program description

The Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research (ICCTR), in collaboration with the Office of Health Equity and Inclusion and the Office of Faculty Development, announces the 2022 Underrepresented in Medicine (UiM) Faculty Clinical Research Grant. At Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), and in alignment with our hospital’s Declaration on Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity, we are committed to expanding underrepresentation of researchers from diverse population groups in the clinical research setting. This is fundamental for creating a more inclusive environment and capitalizing on innovative ideas.

Encouraging the research careers of early career faculty from diverse backgrounds and life experiences is important as they bring different perspectives to solve complex clinical research problems. A diverse scientific workforce at BCH will enable us to continue fostering scientific innovation, improving the quality of the research, and contributing to robust learning environments. This call for proposals is focused on Instructors or Assistant Professors from underrepresented in medicine groups. Clinical research projects with a focus on promoting health equity and reducing disparities are encouraged; however, this is not a requirement for funding.

Purpose of award

The ultimate purpose of this two-year grant is to enhance Boston Children’s Hospital commitment to achieving a culture honoring equity, diversity, respect, inclusion and excellence.


The total award is $50,000 per year for two years ($100,000 total). The funding period will be from September 1, 2021 to August 30, 2024 and can be used toward the following:

  • $25,000/year ($50,000 total) for any budget category
  • $25,000/year ($50,000 total) for a clinical research project manager or a study coordinator
  • The applicant’s division/department must commit to support an additional 20% of the investigator’s time to conduct the proposed research.


  • Faculty member at Boston Children’s Hospital with a Harvard Medical School Instructor or Assistant Professor appointment.
  • Member of one of the racial and ethnic groups that have been defined by the National Institutes of Health as underrepresented in biomedical research: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders. 
  • No current R-level funding, faculty development award or a recruitment package within the past 4 years.

UiM review committee

  • Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH (Chair)
  • S. Jean Emans, MD (career development reviewer)
  • John Fiadjoe, MD
  • Sabra L. Katz-Wise, PhD
  • Lois K. Lee, MD, MPH
  • Snehal N. Shah, MD
  • Valerie L. Ward, MD, MPH