Current Environment: Development


Population Health Sciences Pilot


Submission deadline: June 15, 2023, by 5 pm.
Award notifications will be sent by August 1, 2023.

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please reach to Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH.

Pilot grants

Once a year, ICCTR provides pilot grants to support Boston Children’s Hospital junior faculty with a focus on population health, broadly defined. Young investigators can be challenged in obtaining funding early in their careers, and small grants can be instrumental.

Funding levels

Research Support/Pilot Grants up to 10K, and up to ten grants may be awarded this year. 


    The goal of this funding opportunity is to jump-start small projects for early-stage investigators (instructors and assistant professors). We encourage underrepresented minorities (URMs) and those who are re-entering research fields after suspending research careers to apply. To demonstrate progress, we expect every award recipient will submit a related abstract, manuscript, or grant as well as present research findings at a grantee forum.


    • MD, PhD, or equivalent; current primary academic appointment at Boston Children’s
    • Rank: Instructor or Assistant Professor
    • Demonstrated excellence in research training, productivity, and a well-defined focus in clinical, and translational research but without substantial independent support.

    Review committee

    • Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH (Chair)
    • Mary Beth Son, MD
    • Fabienne Bourgeois, MD, MPH
    • Kathleen Conroy, MD, MSc
    • Todd Lyon, MD, MPH
    • Jonathan Mansbach, MD, MPH
    • Rebekah Mannix, MD, MPH
    • Bill Meehan, MD, MPH
    • Michael Monuteaux, ScD (statistical reviewer)
    • Mari Nakamura, MD
    • Caleb Nelson, MD, MPH
    • Ankoor Shaw, MD, PhD 

    If you have any questions about this opportunity, please reach out to Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH.

    Prior awardees

    2022 Grant Awards

    Svetlana Azova, MD
    Effects of Nutritional Ketosis on Cerebral Glutamate Concentrations, Inflammation, and Brain Health in T1DM

    Charumathi Baskaran, MD
    The effects of gender-affirming sex-steroid treatments on cognition and brain development in adolescents

    Joel Hudgins, MD, MPH
    Emergency Medicine
    Predictors of Severe Sepsis in Patients with Intestinal Failure

    Sarah Justvig, MD
    General Pediatrics
    The Impact of Primary Care Clinic Intervention on Executive Function Skills in Toddlers and Caregiver Engagement: A Pilot Feasibility Study

    Jonathan Levin, MD
    Newborn Medicine/Pulmonary 
    A pilot randomized controlled crossover trial of postpyloric versus gastric feedings to improve pulmonary outcomes in high-risk preterm infants

    Amanda Raffoul, PhD
    Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine
    Preventing disordered weight-control behaviors among youth: An innovative application of microsimulation modelling to health policies

    Michael Toce, MD
    Emergency Medicine
    Trends in Adolescent Non-Fatal Drug Overdoses

    2021 Grant Awards

    Nicole Baumer, MD, MEd
    Developing a Denver-II-like Developmental Monitoring Tool for Children with Down Syndrome

    Susan Lipsett, MD
    Emergency Medicine
    Validation of the Novel Pneumonia Risk Score for Children

    Katie Moynihan, MD
    Distribution of Hospitals that Admit Children According to Social Determinants of Health

    Corinna Rea, MD, MPH
    Children's Hospital Primary Care Center
    Understanding Disparities in the Diagnosis and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Kevin Scully, MD
    A Pilot Study to Test the Safety and Tolerability of a Low Glycemic Load Dietary Intervention in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis

    Margaret Stefater, MD, PhD
    Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Adolescents Undergoing Bariatric Surgery


    2020 Grant Awards

    Kathleen Conroy, MD, Msc
    General Pediatrics
    Understanding the Impact of the COVID Emergency on Uptake of Preventive Care Services in Infants 

    Todd Lyons, MD, MPH
    Emergency Medicine
    Procalcitonin as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Pyogenic Musculoskeletal Infections in Children

    Kate Millington, MD
    Medical Gender Transition as a Novel Approach to Study the Effects of Sex Steroids on Cardiovascular Health

    Andrea Stracciolini, MD
    Feasibility and Efficacy of Physical Literacy Screening Integration into Pediatric Clinical Settings

    Ankoor Shah, MD, PhD
    Development of evidence-based guidelines for the utility of ophthalmic consultation in confirmed and suspected non-accidental trauma

    Brent Weil, MD
    Long-term Burden of Major Surgical Procedures in Survivors of Childhood Cancer