Current Environment: Development


News | Overview

Learn about the latest news and announcements from the Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research at Boston Children's Hospital.


Translational Research Program Funding Opportunities

The Translational Research Program is pleased to announce its latest round of funding opportunities. Get application information about the 2022 Pilot Grant and the 2022 Pappendick Award.


FY 2022 Chargemaster Changes for the Experimental Therapeutics Unit

Effective October 1st, 2021, the new FY 2022 Chargemaster prices will go into effect for the Experimental Therapeutics Unit (formerly the CTSU). Each year, the Hospital provides the research community with revised patient care rates as approved by the Department of Health and Human Services. Learn more.


Research Patient Care Rates

Each year, the hospital provides the research community with revised patient care rates as approved by the Department of Health and Human Services. These rates are actual cost ratios generated using actual hospital expense information by department. Learn more.


Important Communication: Clinical Research Announcement

As a follow-up to the communication sent from Research Administration on May 5, 2021, here is some additional information specifically related to clinical research operations at Boston Children's. Learn more.


Translational Research Program Funding Opportunities

The Translational Research Program is pleased to announce its latest round of Translational Investigator Service (TIS) Awards. Get application information about the Junior TIS Award and the Mentored TIS Award.


Dr. M. Judah Folkman Research Day – June 16, 2021

Every year, Folkman Research Day is an opportunity for investigators to present their research to the Boston Children's Hospital community. This year, due to the pandemic, Research Day will be held virtually. Abstracts will be accepted from Feb. 24 - March 24.  Learn more.


Clinical Research Occupancy Increase | Update

An update on allowances offered to clinical research teams to modestly increase the number of clinical research personnel that may come to campus. Learn more.


Announcement: COVID-19 updated vaccination plans for research community

An update regarding the distribution of vaccine to the research enterprise. We are pleased to report that on 1/25/21 it was announced that open vaccine scheduling for all staff has begun. Learn more.


Important results reporting update - effective Feb. 1, 2021.

Beginning, February 1, 2021, there is a change in when you are able to submit a delayed results request to Learn more.


Additional funding available for OFD Fellowship applicants proposing clinical or clinical/translational research projects

The Office of Faculty Development is very pleased to announce that thanks to support from the Harvard Catalyst and Institutional Centers for Clinical & Translational Research (ICCTR), investigators proposing clinical or clinical/translational research projects can ask for additional funding. Learn more.


Two New Offices - Clinical Research Operations Center (CROpC) and Office of Investigator Outreach

The Institutional Centers for Clinical and Translational Research (ICCTR) is pleased to announce the formation of two new offices that offer additional resources and support to our research community. Learn more.


TRP Pilot Grant Opportunities: One-year awards up to $100k

The Translational Research Program (TRP) is pleased to announce its latest round of funding opportunities that support the TRP’s mission to foster the development of non-clinical and clinical investigations for children with serious diseases. Studies which include the participation of both clinicians and basic scientists are preferred. Learn more.


New Training Requirement for First-Time IND and IDE Holders and First-Time Principal Investigators of Interventional Trials

For new clinical research protocols submitted to the IRB on or after Jan. 1, 2021, all first-time IND and IDE holders and first-time principal investigators of interventional trials will be required to complete new additional training prior to release of their study by the IRB. The curriculum is designed to maximize clinical research quality, regulatory compliance, and patient safety, while mitigating institutional risk. Learn more.


Clinical Research Support Available in Waltham

Have you heard about the clinical research support available in Waltham? There are numerous services available to support you and your study teams as you restart clinical research operations. Learn more.


FY21 - Experimental Therapeutics Unit - Chargemaster

On Oct. 1, 2020, new FY21 Chargemaster prices will go into effect for the Experimental Therapeutics Unit (formerly the CTSU). Each year, the Hospital provides the research community with revised patient care rates as approved by the Department of Health and Human Services. Learn more.


Waltham Clinical Research Transportation Program

We would like to announce that ICCTR is piloting a subsidized Clinical Research Transportation Program for investigators and study staff who need to travel to and from Waltham to conduct clinical research. Learn more.


Translational Research Program Funding Opportunities

The Translational Research Program is pleased to announce its latest round of funding opportunities: Pilot Grants, the Pappendick Family Therapeutic Acceleration Award and the Mooney Family Initiative for Translational and Clinical Studies in Rare Diseases. Learn more.


Clinical research support now available in Waltham

Beginning in October, the ICCTR will begin offering limited clinical research support at the Waltham satellite. An experienced clinical research professional will be available on-site Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Learn more.


FY20 - Experimental Therapeutic Unit - Chargemaster

On Oct. 1, 2019, new FY20 Chargemaster prices will go into effect for Experimental Therapeutic Unit (formally CTSU). Each year, Boston Children's provides the research community with revised patient care rates as approved by the Department of Health and Human Services. Learn more.


FY20 - Relief Fund initiative

In FY18, the ICCTR began providing limited financial support in the form of Relief Funds to help mitigate the substantial unanticipated financial impact of the FY18 Chargemaster increase on Investigators’ studies. Learn more.


BARD Center welcomes two new faculty members

The Biostatistics Research and Design (BARD) Center has hired two new faculty members: Suzanne Dahlberg, PhD, and Bo Zhang, PhD. Learn more.


Office of Research Regulatory Support, Education & Quality

The ICCTR announces the creation of the Office of Research Regulatory Support, Education and Quality (ORRSEQ) to support Boston Children's investigators, clinical research professionals, and research nurses. ICCTR undertook this action in response to the recently approved Research Strategic Plan to support our clinical research community. Learn more.



Funding opportunity: Clinical Trials Consortiums in Pediatrics

The ICCTR is excited to announce a new funding opportunity to develop new multi-institutional Clinical Trials Consortiums in Pediatrics to support Clinical and Translational Research. Requests for funding are supported through the recently approved Research Strategic Plan to support our community. Learn more about the application process.


Lab processing fee

For the past several years, the Experimental Therapeutic Unit (ETU) has been providing lab processing free of charge for ETU studies. Effective Oct. 1, 2019, the ICCTR will begin charging all new industry-sponsored studies a lab processing fee if those services are needed. This fee, will help offset some of the ETU lab personnel and equipment costs. Learn more.


No Show/Cancellation Policy

As a result of the high number of cancellations, specifically no shows, which occur in the Experimental Therapeutics Unit (ETU), effective Oct. 1, 2019, the ICCTR is introducing a No Show/Cancellation policy to limit this trend. This policy will be evaluated annually. Learn more.


Experimental Therapeutic Unit Protocol Review Fees

For the past several years, the ETU has been charging a protocol review/implementation fee for all industry-sponsored studies conducted in the ETU. Due to increasing operating costs and to be better aligned with industry standards, the protocol review/implementation fee will increase effective Oct. 1, 2019. Learn more.