Current Environment: Development


Publications and Awards | Overview

Note: List of publications from researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital who used the core facility.

Zullo J, Drake D, Aron L, O’Hern P, Dhamne SC, Davidsohn N, Mao CA, Klein WH, Rotenberg A, Bennett DA, Church GM, Colaiacovo MP, Yankner BA. Regulation of lifespan by neural excitation and REST. Nature 2019 Oct; 574(7778): 359-364

Purtell H, Dhamne SC, Gurnani S, Bainbridge E, Modi ME, Lammers SHT, Super CE, Johnson EL, Sahin M, Rotenberg A. Electrographic spikes are common in wildtype mice. Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Nov 3; 89: 94-98

Kelly E, Schaeffer SM, Dhamne SC, Lipton JO, Lindemann L, Honer M, Jaeschke G, Super CE, Lammers SHT, Modi ME, Silverman JL, Dreier JR, Kwiatowski DJ, Rotenberg A, Sahin M. mGluR5 modulation of behavioral and epileptic phenotypes in a mouse model of TSC. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2018 May; 43(6): 1457-1465

Yuskaitis CJ, Jones B, Wolfson RL, Super CE, Dhamne SC, Rotenberg A, Sabatini DM, Sahin M, Poduri A. A mouse model of DEPDC5-related epilepsy: Neuronal loss of Depdc5 causes dysplastic and ectopic neurons, increased mTOR signaling, and seizure activity. Neurobiol Dis. 2018 Mar 18; 111: 91-101

Alexandre C, Latremoliere A, Ferreira A, Miracca G, Yamamoto M, Scammell TE, Woolf CJ. Decreased alertness due to sleep loss increases pain sensitivity in mice. Nat Med 2017;23(6):768-74.

Dhamne SC, Silverman JL, Super CE, Lammers SHT, Hameed MQ, Modi ME, Copping NA, Pride MC, Smith DG, Rotenberg A, Crawley JN, Sahin M. Replicable in vivo physiological and behavioral phenotypes of the Shank3B null mutant mouse model of autism. Mol Autism 2017;8:26. PMCID: PMC5472997.

Landegger LD, Pan B, Askew C, Wassmer SJ, Gluck SD, Galvin A, Taylor R, Forge A, Stankovic KM, Holt JR, Vandenberghe LH. A synthetic AAV vector enables safe and efficient gene transfer to the mammalian inner ear. Nat Biotechnol 2017;35(3):280-4. PMCID: PMC5340646.

Lipton JO, Boyle LM, Yuan ED, Hochstrasser KJ, Chifamba FF, Nathan A, Tsai PT, Davis F, Sahin M. Aberrant Proteostasis of BMAL1 Underlies Circadian Abnormalities in a Paradigmatic mTOR-opathy. Cell Rep 2017;20(4):868-80. PMCID: PMC5603761.

Liu Y, Wang X, Li W, Zhang Q, Li Y, Zhang Z, Zhu J, Chen B, Williams PR, Zhang Y, Yu B, Gu X, He Z. A Sensitized IGF1 Treatment Restores Corticospinal Axon-Dependent Functions. Neuron 2017;95(4):817-33 e4. PMCID: PMC5582621.

Oaks AW, Zamarbide M, Tambunan DE, Santini E, Di Costanzo S, Pond HL, Johnson MW, Lin J, Gonzalez DM, Boehler JF, Wu GK, Klann E, Walsh CA, Manzini MC. Cc2d1a Loss of Function Disrupts Functional and Morphological Development in Forebrain Neurons Leading to Cognitive and Social Deficits. Cereb Cortex 2017;27(2):1670-85. PMCID: PMC Journal - In Process.

Pan B, Askew C, Galvin A, Heman-Ackah S, Asai Y, Indzhykulian AA, Jodelka FM, Hastings ML, Lentz JJ, Vandenberghe LH, Holt JR, Geleoc GS. Gene therapy restores auditory and vestibular function in a mouse model of Usher syndrome type 1c. Nat Biotechnol 2017;35(3):264-72. PMCID: PMC5340578.

Su C, Schwarz TL. O-GlcNAc Transferase Is Essential for Sensory Neuron Survival and Maintenance. J Neurosci 2017;37(8):2125-36. PMCID: PMC5338757.

Alexander MS, Gasperini MJ, Tsai PT, Gibbs DE, Spinazzola JM, Marshall JL, Feyder MJ, Pletcher MT, Chekler EL, Morris CA, Sahin M, Harms JF, Schmidt CJ, Kleiman RJ, Kunkel LM. Reversal of neurobehavioral social deficits in dystrophic mice using inhibitors of phosphodiesterases PDE5A and PDE9A. Transl Psychiatry 2016;6(9):e901. PMCID: PMC5048211.

Bei F, Lee H, Liu X, Gunner G, Jin H, Ma L, Wang C, Hou L, Hensch TK, Frank E, Sanes JR, Chen C, Fagiolini M, He Z. Restoration of visual function by enhancing conduction in regenerated axons. Cell 2016;164(1-2):219-32. PMCID: PMC4863988.

Kahle KT, Schmouth JF, Lavastre V, Latremoliere A, Zhang J, Andrews N, Omura T, Laganiere J, Rochefort D, Hince P, Castonguay G, Gaudet R, Mapplebeck JC, Sotocinal SG, Duan J, Ward C, Khanna AR, Mogil JS, Dion PA, Woolf CJ, Inquimbert P, Rouleau GA. Inhibition of the kinase WNK1/HSN2 ameliorates neuropathic pain by restoring GABA inhibition. Sci Signal 2016;9(421):ra32. PMCID: NON-COMPLIANT.

Patrizi A, Picard N, Simon AJ, Gunner G, Centofante E, Andrews NA, Fagiolini M. Chronic Administration of the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Antagonist Ketamine Improves Rett Syndrome Phenotype. Biol Psychiatry 2016;79(9):755-64. PMCID: PMC Journal - In Process.

Sakuma M, Gorski G, Sheu SH, Lee S, Barrett LB, Singh B, Omura T, Latremoliere A, Woolf CJ. Lack of motor recovery after prolonged denervation of the neuromuscular junction is not due to regenerative failure. Eur J Neurosci 2016;43(3):451-62. PMCID: PMC4738060.

Schafer DP, Heller CT, Gunner G, Heller M, Gordon C, Hammond T, Wolf Y, Jung S, Stevens B. Microglia contribute to circuit defects in Mecp2 null mice independent of microglia-specific loss of Mecp2 expression. Elife 2016;5:e15224. PMCID: PMC4961457.

Greene-Colozzi EA, Sadowski AR, Chadwick E, Tsai PT, Sahin M. Both maternal and pup genotype influence ultrasonic vocalizations and early developmental milestones in tsc2 (+/-) mice. Epilepsy research and treatment 2014; 2014:784137. PMCID: 4137560.

Louros SR, Hooks BM, Litvina L, Carvalho AL, Chen C. A role for stargazin in experience-dependent plasticity. Cell reports 2014;7(5):1614-25. PMCID: 4115130

Mannix R, Berglass J, Berkner J, Moleus P, Qiu J, Andrews N, Gunner G, Berglass L, Jantzie LL, Robinson S, Meehan WP, 3rd. Chronic gliosis and behavioral deficits in mice following repetitive mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg 2014;121(6):1342-50.

Mannix R, Berglass J, Berkner J, Moleus P, Qiu J, Jantzie LL, Meehan WP, 3rd, Stanley RM, Robinson S. Sex differences in the effect of progesterone after controlled cortical impact in adolescent mice: a preliminary study. J Neurosurg 2014;121(6):1337-41.

Riccio A, Li Y, Tsvetkov E, Gapon S, Yao GL, Smith KS, Engin E, Rudolph U, Bolshakov VY, Clapham DE. Decreased anxiety-like behavior and Gαq/11-dependent responses in the amygdala of mice lacking TRPC4 channels. J Neurosci 2014;34(10):3653-67.