Current Environment: Development


Viral Core | Overview

*The Viral Core is now open. Please review our new COVID-19 standard operating procedures before booking or arriving to the core.

Our mission

The Boston Children's Hospital Viral Core aims to provide technological resources to academic investigators interested in the development and use of viral based vectors. Currently, we offer custom lentiviral vector production, custom AAV vector production with a variety of serotypes and aliquots of in-stock vector. 

mouse-brain-cortex with lenti GFP and lenti RFP

Science and innovation

Recombinant viral vectors are widely used gene delivery tools for cells, animal models, and clinical applications. These vectors allow us to monitor cell functions, replace, correct, express or block expression of target genes, tag cells for fate determination, and change the physiological state of specific cell populations. Available viral vectors differ in their suitability for different applications, which depends on factors including the size of the transgene, route of delivery, tropism, virus pseudotyping, and regulation of gene expression. To facilitate application of viral technology, we provide consultations to investigators in selecting, designing and using viral vectors.

The Core is supported by NEI P30 grant: 5P30EY012196