Current Environment: Development


Research Space | Overview

Our research facilities include more than 800,000 square feet of basic and translational research space and 50,000 square feet of clinical research space.

Enders Research Building
In the John F. Enders Pediatric Research Laboratories, named for the Boston Children's Hospital researcher and Nobel Prize recipient who cultured the polio and measles viruses, hundreds of laboratory researchers and physician investigators search for answers to some of the most perplexing diseases.

Karp Research Building
In 2003, a generous philanthropic gift from the Karp family made the 295,000 square foot Karp Family Research Laboratories possible. The building increased Boston Children’s research space by more than 60 percent.

Center for Life Sciences
Constructed in 2008, the Center for Life Sciences is an 18-story, 700,000 square foot biotechnology building with office/laboratory space. It features Universal Flex Lab™ space for flexibility and adaptability and has achieved the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED®) Gold Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council.

1 and 21 Autumn Street
Autumn Street buildings are dedicated to supporting clinical research—scientific investigation conducted with human subjects or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens, cognitive phenomena or other data. Clinical research includes patient-oriented, community and population-based research studies. These buildings house Boston Children’s Clinical Research Center, as well as our Technology and Innovation Development Office (TIDO), informatics program and other departments that focus on clinical investigation, such as the department of developmental medicine.