Current Environment: Development


Clinical Trials Consortiums in Pediatrics | Overview

The ICCTR is excited to announce a new funding opportunity to develop new multi-institutional Clinical Trials Consortiums in Pediatrics to support Clinical and Translational Research. Requests for funding are supported through the recently approved Research Strategic Plan to support our community.


The purpose of this pilot funding is to facilitate new multi-institutional consortiums led by BCH faculty with the expressed intent of developing early phase human clinical trials. These trials may represent basic and clinical translation of our own laboratory science or science from elsewhere that leverages our faculty expertise and ability to convene other institutions in a collaborative process. We anticipate the potential to fund one new consortium per division or department, but this will depend on the quality and number of the proposals. As such, the divisions/departments are responsible for prioritization of proposals in their specific areas. Funding at initial levels (Level I and Level II) does not guarantee future support at a higher level (Level III), which will be dependent on progress made and subject to re-review.>

Three levels of support available 

Level I:Exploratory meeting. Max request $5K. Purpose: getting people together at an already planned national meeting.

Expected outcome: Basic plan for consortium outlined, a rough plan for a disease-specific protocol.

Level II: Planning retreat. Max request 20K. Purpose: travel for limited numbers to Boston. Successful completion of Level I Award is required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI).

Expected outcome: Organizational structure defined. Protocol defined.

Level III: Implementation grant. Purpose: to facilitate administrative support to implement a clinical trial. Suggested budget. $50K for support by ETU/ICCTR (on-site only). $50K for IRB/regulatory/audit (on and off-site). $10K for supplies/shipping (off-site mainly). Up to $1,500/patient enrollment (off-site). Maximum budgeted Level III, $125K. Successful completion of Level II Award is required to submit an LOI.

IRB approved protocol in 6 months with activation in 12 months. Enrollment complete in 36 months.

How to apply

Please see the attached Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) and guidelines to submit your LOI for each level of funding:

Level I

Level II