Current Environment: Development


Benowitz Publications | Overview

  1. Xie L, Cen LP, Li YQ, Gilbert HY, Berlinicke C, Stavarache MA, Cui Q, Kaplitt MG, Zack DJ, Benowitz LI*, Yin Y* (2022) Monocyte-derived SDF1 supports optic nerve regeneration and alters retinal ganglion cells’ response to PTEN deletion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A.,119(15):e2113751119. *co-senior authors View abstract
  2. Peterson SL, Li Y, Sun C, Leung KS, Wong KA, Stevens B, and Benowitz LI (2021) Optic Nerve Regeneration Requires Complement and Monocyte Activity within the Nerve. J. Neurosci., 41:8508–8531. View abstract
  3. Xie L, Yin Y, Benowitz LI. Chemokine CCL5 induces robust optic nerve regeneration and mediates many of the effects of CNTF gene therapy (2021) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 118(9):e2017282118. View abstract
  4. Sergeeva EG, Rosenberg PA, Benowitz LI (2021) Non cell-autonomous regulation of optic nerve regeneration by amacrine cells. Front. Cell. Neurosci. (2021) Apr 16;15:666798.View abstract
  5. Cheng Y, Yin Y, Zhang A, Bernstein AM, Kawaguchi R, Gao K, Potter K, Gilbert HY, Ao Y, Ou J, Fricano-Kugler CJ, Goldberg JL, Woolf CJ, Sofroniew MV*, Benowitz LI*, Geschwind DH* (2020) Transcription factor network analysis identifies REST/NRSF as an intrinsic regulator of CNS regeneration. bioRxiv. *Co-senior authors. View abstract
  6. Williams PR, Benowitz L, Goldberg JL, He Z (2020) Axon regeneration in the mammalian optic nerve. Ann Rev Vis Sci, 6:195-213. View abstract  
  7. Yin Y, deLima S, Gilbert Y, Hanovice NJ, Peterson SL, Sand R, Sergeeva EG, Wong KA, Xie, L and Benowitz LI (2019) Optic Nerve Regeneration: A Long View. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2019. View abstract 
  8. Benowitz LI, He Z, Goldberg JL (2018) Reaching the brain: Advances in optic nerve regeneration Exp Neurol 287:365-373. View abstract
  9. Kayama M, Omura K, Murakami Y, Reshef E, Thanos A, Morizane Y, Gianni A, Nakazawa T, Miller J, Benowitz L, Vavvas, D (2018) Combined inhibition of apoptosis and necrosis promotes transient neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells and partial axon regeneration after optic nerve damage. BioRxiv. View abstract
  10. Peterson SL, Benowitz LI. Mammalian dendritic regrowth: a new perspective on neural repair. Brain. 2018 Jul 01; 141(7):1891-1894. View abstract
  11. Chen W, Sinha B, Li Y, Benowitz L, Chen Q, Zhang Z, Patel NJ, Aziz-Sultan AM, Chiocca AE, Wang X. Monogenic, Polygenic, and MicroRNA Markers for Ischemic Stroke. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Jun 08. View abstract
  12. Yin Y, Benowitz LI. In Vitro and In Vivo Methods for Studying Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Optic Nerve Regeneration. Methods Mol Biol. 2018; 1695:187-205. View abstract
  13. Trakhtenberg EF, Li Y, Feng Q, Tso J, Rosenberg PA, Goldberg JL, Benowitz LI. Zinc chelation and Klf9 knockdown cooperatively promote axon regeneration after optic nerve injury. Exp Neurol. 2018 Feb; 300:22-29. View abstract
  14. Calkins DJ, Pekny M, Cooper ML, Benowitz L. The challenge of regenerative therapies for the optic nerve in glaucoma. Exp Eye Res. 2017 04; 157:28-33. View abstract
  15. Li Y, Andereggen L, Yuki K, Omura K, Yin Y, Gilbert HY, Erdogan B, Asdourian MS, Shrock C, de Lima S, Apfel UP, Zhuo Y, Hershfinkel M, Lippard SJ, Rosenberg PA, Benowitz L. Mobile zinc increases rapidly in the retina after optic nerve injury and regulates ganglion cell survival and optic nerve regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 01 10; 114(2):E209-E218. View abstract
  16. Moore TL, Pessina MA, Finklestein SP, Killiany RJ, Bowley B, Benowitz L, Rosene DL. Inosine enhances recovery of grasp following cortical injury to the primary motor cortex of the rhesus monkey. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2016 09 21; 34(5):827-48. View abstract
  17. Marin MA, de Lima S, Gilbert HY, Giger RJ, Benowitz L, Rasband MN. Reassembly of Excitable Domains after CNS Axon Regeneration. J Neurosci. 2016 08 31; 36(35):9148-60.  View abstract
  18. Omura T, Omura K, Tedeschi A, Riva P, Painter MW, Rojas L, Martin J, Lisi V, Huebner EA, Latremoliere A, Yin Y, Barrett LB, Singh B, Lee S, Crisman T, Gao F, Li S, Kapur K, Geschwind DH, Kosik KS, Coppola G, He Z, Carmichael ST, Benowitz LI, Costigan M, Woolf CJ. Robust Axonal Regeneration Occurs in the Injured CAST/Ei Mouse CNS. Neuron. 2016 May 04; 90(3):662. View abstract
  19. Chandran V, Coppola G, Nawabi H, Omura T, Versano R, Huebner EA, Zhang A, Costigan M, Yekkirala A, Barrett L, Blesch A, Michaelevski I, Davis-Turak J, Gao F, Langfelder P, Horvath S, He Z, Benowitz L, Fainzilber M, Tuszynski M, Woolf CJ, Geschwind DH. A Systems-Level Analysis of the Peripheral Nerve Intrinsic Axonal Growth Program. Neuron. 2016 Mar 02; 89(5):956-70. View abstract
  20. Benowitz LI, He Z, Goldberg JL. Reaching the brain: Advances in optic nerve regeneration. Exp Neurol. 2017 Jan; 287(Pt 3):365-373.  View abstract
  21. Chung YG, Seth A, Doyle C, Franck D, Kim D, Cristofaro V, Benowitz LI, Tu DD, Estrada CR, Mauney JR, Sullivan MP, Adam RM. Inosine Improves Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity following Spinal Cord Injury. PLoS One. 2015; 10(11):e0141492. View abstract
  22. Li S, Nie EH, Yin Y, Benowitz LI, Tung S, Vinters HV, Bahjat FR, Stenzel-Poore MP, Kawaguchi R, Coppola G, Carmichael ST. GDF10 is a signal for axonal sprouting and functional recovery after stroke. Nat Neurosci. 2015 Dec; 18(12):1737-45. View abstract
  23. Omura T, Omura K, Tedeschi A, Riva P, Painter MW, Rojas L, Martin J, Lisi V, Huebner EA, Latremoliere A, Yin Y, Barrett LB, Singh B, Lee S, Crisman T, Gao F, Li S, Kapur K, Geschwind DH, Kosik KS, Coppola G, He Z, Carmichael ST, Benowitz LI, Costigan M, Woolf CJ. Robust Axonal Regeneration Occurs in the Injured CAST/Ei Mouse CNS. Neuron. 2015 Jun 03; 86(5):1215-27. View abstract
  24. Xiong W, MacColl Garfinkel AE, Li Y, Benowitz LI, Cepko CL. NRF2 promotes neuronal survival in neurodegeneration and acute nerve damage. J Clin Invest. 2015 Apr; 125(4):1433-45. View abstract
  25. Koriyama Y, Kurimoto T, de Lima S, Benowitz L. [Reinnervation of central visual areas and recovery of visual functions following optic nerve regeneration in adult mice]. Brain Nerve. 2014 Mar; 66(3):265-72. View abstract
  26. Dachir S, Shabashov D, Trembovler V, Alexandrovich AG, Benowitz LI, Shohami E. Inosine improves functional recovery after experimental traumatic brain injury. Brain Res. 2014 Mar 25; 1555:78-88. View abstract
  27. Kim D, Zai L, Liang P, Schaffling C, Ahlborn D, Benowitz LI. Inosine enhances axon sprouting and motor recovery after spinal cord injury. PLoS One. 2013; 8(12):e81948. View abstract 
  28. Kurimoto T, Yin Y, Habboub G, Gilbert HY, Li Y, Nakao S, Hafezi-Moghadam A, Benowitz LI. Neutrophils express oncomodulin and promote optic nerve regeneration. J Neurosci. 2013 Sep 11; 33(37):14816-24. View abstract
  29. Seth A, Chung YG, Kim D, Ramachandran A, Cristofaro V, Gomez P, Tu D, Huang L, Benowitz LI, Di Vizio D, Sullivan MP, Adam RM. The impact of discrete modes of spinal cord injury on bladder muscle contractility. BMC Urol. 2013 May 13; 13:24. View abstract
  30. Roh M, Zhang Y, Murakami Y, Thanos A, Lee SC, Vavvas DG, Benowitz LI, Miller JW. Etanercept, a widely used inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), prevents retinal ganglion cell loss in a rat model of glaucoma. PLoS One. 2012; 7(7):e40065. View abstract
  31. Wang X, Hasan O, Arzeno A, Benowitz LI, Cafferty WB, Strittmatter SM. Axonal regeneration induced by blockade of glial inhibitors coupled with activation of intrinsic neuronal growth pathways. Exp Neurol. 2012 Sep; 237(1):55-69. View abstract
  32. de Lima S, Koriyama Y, Kurimoto T, Oliveira JT, Yin Y, Li Y, Gilbert HY, Fagiolini M, Martinez AM, Benowitz L. Full-length axon regeneration in the adult mouse optic nerve and partial recovery of simple visual behaviors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 05; 109(23):9149-54.  View abstract
  33. Dickendesher TL, Baldwin KT, Mironova YA, Koriyama Y, Raiker SJ, Askew KL, Wood A, Geoffroy CG, Zheng B, Liepmann CD, Katagiri Y, Benowitz LI, Geller HM, Giger RJ. NgR1 and NgR3 are receptors for chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. Nat Neurosci. 2012 Mar 11; 15(5):703-12. View abstract
  34. de Lima S, Habboub G, Benowitz LI. Combinatorial therapy stimulates long-distance regeneration, target reinnervation, and partial recovery of vision after optic nerve injury in mice. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2012; 106:153-72.  View abstract
  35. Benowitz LI, Popovich PG. Inflammation and axon regeneration. Curr Opin Neurol. 2011 Dec; 24(6):577-83. View abstract
  36. Wang X, Duffy P, McGee AW, Hasan O, Gould G, Tu N, Harel NY, Huang Y, Carson RE, Weinzimmer D, Ropchan J, Benowitz LI, Cafferty WB, Strittmatter SM. Recovery from chronic spinal cord contusion after Nogo receptor intervention. Ann Neurol. 2011 Nov; 70(5):805-21.  View abstract
  37. Benowitz L. Author's response to Steward et al., "A re-assessment of the effects of intra-cortical delivery of inosine….". Exp Neurol. 2012 Feb; 233(2):674-6. View abstract
  38. Zai L, Ferrari C, Dice C, Subbaiah S, Havton LA, Coppola G, Geschwind D, Irwin N, Huebner E, Strittmatter SM, Benowitz LI. Inosine augments the effects of a Nogo receptor blocker and of environmental enrichment to restore skilled forelimb use after stroke. J Neurosci. 2011 Apr 20; 31(16):5977-88. View abstract
  39. Kurimoto T, Yin Y, Omura K, Gilbert HY, Kim D, Cen LP, Moko L, Kügler S, Benowitz LI. Long-distance axon regeneration in the mature optic nerve: contributions of oncomodulin, cAMP, and pten gene deletion. J Neurosci. 2010 Nov 17; 30(46):15654-63. View abstract
  40. Benowitz LI, Yin Y. Optic nerve regeneration. Arch Ophthalmol. 2010 Aug; 128(8):1059-64.  View abstract
  41. Benowitz LI, Carmichael ST. Promoting axonal rewiring to improve outcome after stroke. Neurobiol Dis. 2010 Feb; 37(2):259-66. View abstract
  42. Yin Y, Cui Q, Gilbert HY, Yang Y, Yang Z, Berlinicke C, Li Z, Zaverucha-do-Valle C, He H, Petkova V, Zack DJ, Benowitz LI. Oncomodulin links inflammation to optic nerve regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Nov 17; 106(46):19587-92. View abstract
  43. Lorber B, Howe ML, Benowitz LI, Irwin N. Mst3b, an Ste20-like kinase, regulates axon regeneration in mature CNS and PNS pathways. Nat Neurosci. 2009 Nov; 12(11):1407-14. View abstract
  44. Zai L, Ferrari C, Subbaiah S, Havton LA, Coppola G, Strittmatter S, Irwin N, Geschwind D, Benowitz LI. Inosine alters gene expression and axonal projections in neurons contralateral to a cortical infarct and improves skilled use of the impaired limb. J Neurosci. 2009 Jun 24; 29(25):8187-97. View abstract
  45. Cui Q, Yin Y, Benowitz LI. The role of macrophages in optic nerve regeneration. Neuroscience. 2009 Feb 06; 158(3):1039-48. View abstract
  46. Cui Q, Benowitz L, Yin Y. Does CNTF mediate the effect of intraocular inflammation on optic nerve regeneration? Brain. 2008 Jun; 131(Pt 6):e96; author reply e97. View abstract
  47. Benowitz LI, Yin Y. Combinatorial treatments for promoting axon regeneration in the CNS: strategies for overcoming inhibitory signals and activating neurons' intrinsic growth state. Dev Neurobiol. 2007 Aug; 67(9):1148-65. View abstract
  48. Benowitz L, Yin Y. Rewiring the injured CNS: lessons from the optic nerve. Exp Neurol. 2008 Feb; 209(2):389-98. View abstract
  49. Nakazawa T, Hisatomi T, Nakazawa C, Noda K, Maruyama K, She H, Matsubara A, Miyahara S, Nakao S, Yin Y, Benowitz L, Hafezi-Moghadam A, Miller JW. Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 mediates retinal detachment-induced photoreceptor apoptosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Feb 13; 104(7):2425-30. View abstract
  50. Nakazawa T, Nakazawa C, Matsubara A, Noda K, Hisatomi T, She H, Michaud N, Hafezi-Moghadam A, Miller JW, Benowitz LI. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha mediates oligodendrocyte death and delayed retinal ganglion cell loss in a mouse model of glaucoma. J Neurosci. 2006 Dec 06; 26(49):12633-41.  View abstract
  51. Irwin N, Li YM, O'Toole JE, Benowitz LI. Mst3b, a purine-sensitive Ste20-like protein kinase, regulates axon outgrowth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Nov 28; 103(48):18320-5.  View abstract
  52. Piantino J, Burdick JA, Goldberg D, Langer R, Benowitz LI. An injectable, biodegradable hydrogel for trophic factor delivery enhances axonal rewiring and improves performance after spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol. 2006 Oct; 201(2):359-67. View abstract
  53. Yin Y, Henzl MT, Lorber B, Nakazawa T, Thomas TT, Jiang F, Langer R, Benowitz LI. Oncomodulin is a macrophage-derived signal for axon regeneration in retinal ganglion cells. Nat Neurosci. 2006 Jun; 9(6):843-52.  View abstract
  54. Fischer D, Petkova V, Thanos S, Benowitz LI. Switching mature retinal ganglion cells to a robust growth state in vivo: gene expression and synergy with RhoA inactivation. J Neurosci. 2004 Oct 06; 24(40):8726-40. View abstract
  55. Fischer D, He Z, Benowitz LI. Counteracting the Nogo receptor enhances optic nerve regeneration if retinal ganglion cells are in an active growth state. J Neurosci. 2004 Feb 18; 24(7):1646-51. View abstract
  56. Li Y, Irwin N, Yin Y, Lanser M, Benowitz LI. Axon regeneration in goldfish and rat retinal ganglion cells: differential responsiveness to carbohydrates and cAMP. J Neurosci. 2003 Aug 27; 23(21):7830-8. View abstract
  57. Yin Y, Cui Q, Li Y, Irwin N, Fischer D, Harvey AR, Benowitz LI. Macrophage-derived factors stimulate optic nerve regeneration. J Neurosci. 2003 Mar 15; 23(6):2284-93. View abstract
  58. Irwin N, Chao S, Goritchenko L, Horiuchi A, Greengard P, Nairn AC, Benowitz LI. Nerve growth factor controls GAP-43 mRNA stability via the phosphoprotein ARPP-19. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Sep 17; 99(19):12427-31. View abstract
  59. Chen P, Goldberg DE, Kolb B, Lanser M, Benowitz LI. Inosine induces axonal rewiring and improves behavioral outcome after stroke. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Jun 25; 99(13):9031-6. View abstract
  60. Benowitz LI, Goldberg DE, Irwin N. Inosine stimulates axon growth in vitro and in the adult CNS. Prog Brain Res. 2002; 137:389-99. View abstract
  61. Benowitz LI, Goldberg DE, Irwin N. A purine-sensitive mechanism regulates the molecular program for axon growth. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2001; 19(1-2):41-9. View abstract
  62. Petrausch B, Tabibiazar R, Roser T, Jing Y, Goldman D, Stuermer CA, Irwin N, Benowitz LI. A purine-sensitive pathway regulates multiple genes involved in axon regeneration in goldfish retinal ganglion cells. J Neurosci. 2000 Nov 01; 20(21):8031-41. View abstract
  63. Leon S, Yin Y, Nguyen J, Irwin N, Benowitz LI. Lens injury stimulates axon regeneration in the mature rat optic nerve. J Neurosci. 2000 Jun 15; 20(12):4615-26. View abstract
  64. Kim HA, Pomeroy SL, Whoriskey W, Pawlitzky I, Benowitz LI, Sicinski P, Stiles CD, Roberts TM. A developmentally regulated switch directs regenerative growth of Schwann cells through cyclin D1. Neuron. 2000 May; 26(2):405-16. View abstract
  65. Benowitz LI, Goldberg DE, Madsen JR, Soni D, Irwin N. Inosine stimulates extensive axon collateral growth in the rat corticospinal tract after injury. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Nov 09; 96(23):13486-90.  View abstract
  66. Jo SA, Wang E, Benowitz LI. Ciliary neurotrophic factor is an axogenesis factor for retinal ganglion cells. Neuroscience. 1999 Mar; 89(2):579-91. View abstract
  67. Madsen JR, MacDonald P, Irwin N, Goldberg DE, Yao GL, Meiri KF, Rimm IJ, Stieg PE, Benowitz LI. Tacrolimus (FK506) increases neuronal expression of GAP-43 and improves functional recovery after spinal cord injury in rats. Exp Neurol. 1998 Dec; 154(2):673-83. View abstract
  68. Benowitz LI, Jing Y, Tabibiazar R, Jo SA, Petrausch B, Stuermer CA, Rosenberg PA, Irwin N. Axon outgrowth is regulated by an intracellular purine-sensitive mechanism in retinal ganglion cells. J Biol Chem. 1998 Nov 06; 273(45):29626-34. View abstract
  69. Kawamata T, Dietrich WD, Schallert T, Gotts JE, Cocke RR, Benowitz LI, Finklestein SP. Intracisternal basic fibroblast growth factor enhances functional recovery and up-regulates the expression of a molecular marker of neuronal sprouting following focal cerebral infarction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Jul 22; 94(15):8179-84. View abstract
  70. Irwin N, Baekelandt V, Goritchenko L, Benowitz LI. Identification of two proteins that bind to a pyrimidine-rich sequence in the 3'-untranslated region of GAP-43 mRNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 1997 Mar 15; 25(6):1281-8. View abstract
  71. Benowitz LI, Routtenberg A. GAP-43: an intrinsic determinant of neuronal development and plasticity. Trends Neurosci. 1997 Feb; 20(2):84-91. View abstract
  72. Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Sower AC, Bird ED, Benowitz LI, Ivins KJ, Neve RL. Levels of the growth-associated protein GAP-43 are selectively increased in association cortices in schizophrenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Nov 26; 93(24):14182-7. View abstract
  73. Chao S, Benowitz LI, Krainc D, Irwin N. Use of a two-hybrid system to investigate molecular interactions of GAP-43. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1996 Sep 01; 40(2):195-202. View abstract 
  74. Schwalb JM, Gu MF, Stuermer C, Bastmeyer M, Hu GF, Boulis N, Irwin N, Benowitz LI. Optic nerve glia secrete a low-molecular-weight factor that stimulates retinal ganglion cells to regenerate axons in goldfish. Neuroscience. 1996 Jun; 72(4):901-10. View abstract
  75. Lu CR, Meng FT, Benowitz LI, Ju G. Evidence for axonal sprouting in the anterior pituitary following adrenalectomy in the rat. J Endocrinol. 1995 Oct; 147(1):161-6. View abstract
  76. Schwalb JM, Boulis NM, Gu MF, Winickoff J, Jackson PS, Irwin N, Benowitz LI. Two factors secreted by the goldfish optic nerve induce retinal ganglion cells to regenerate axons in culture. J Neurosci. 1995 Aug; 15(8):5514-25. View abstract
  77. Shea TB, Benowitz LI. Inhibition of neurite outgrowth following intracellular delivery of anti-GAP-43 antibodies depends upon culture conditions and method of neurite induction. J Neurosci Res. 1995 Jun 15; 41(3):347-54. View abstract
  78. Meyer RL, Miotke JA, Benowitz LI. Injury induced expression of growth-associated protein-43 in adult mouse retinal ganglion cells in vitro. Neuroscience. 1994 Nov; 63(2):591-602. View abstract
  79. Chong MS, Reynolds ML, Irwin N, Coggeshall RE, Emson PC, Benowitz LI, Woolf CJ. GAP-43 expression in primary sensory neurons following central axotomy. J Neurosci. 1994 Jul; 14(7):4375-84. View abstract
  80. Moya KL, Benowitz LI, Schneider GE, Allinquant B. The amyloid precursor protein is developmentally regulated and correlated with synaptogenesis. Dev Biol. 1994 Feb; 161(2):597-603. View abstract
  81. Paden CM, Moffett CW, Benowitz LI. Innervation of the rat anterior and neurointermediate pituitary visualized by immunocytochemistry for the growth-associated protein GAP-43. Endocrinology. 1994 Jan; 134(1):503-6. View abstract
  82. Schaechter JD, Benowitz LI. Activation of protein kinase C by arachidonic acid selectively enhances the phosphorylation of GAP-43 in nerve terminal membranes. J Neurosci. 1993 Oct; 13(10):4361-71. View abstract
  83. Kinney HC, Rava LA, Benowitz LI. Anatomic distribution of the growth-associated protein GAP-43 in the developing human brainstem. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1993 Jan; 52(1):39-54. View abstract
  84. Winter J, Evison CJ, O'Brien C, Benowitz L, Lindsay RM, Mulderry P, Woolf C. Neurotoxic damage evokes regenerative responses from adult rat sensory neurones. Neurosci Lett. 1992 Oct 26; 146(1):48-52. View abstract
  85. Woolf CJ, Reynolds ML, Chong MS, Emson P, Irwin N, Benowitz LI. Denervation of the motor endplate results in the rapid expression by terminal Schwann cells of the growth-associated protein GAP-43. J Neurosci. 1992 Oct; 12(10):3999-4010. View abstract
  86. Gossels JM, Lewis SE, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Benowitz LI. Changes in chromatin proteins during optic nerve regeneration in the goldfish. J Neurosci Res. 1992 Sep; 33(1):112-21. View abstract
  87. Moya KL, Benowitz LI, Sabel BA, Schneider GE. Changes in rapidly transported proteins associated with development of abnormal projections in the diencephalon. Brain Res. 1992 Jul 24; 586(2):265-72. View abstract
  88. Dunn-Meynell AA, Benowitz LI, Levin BE. Vibrissectomy induced changes in GAP-43 immunoreactivity in the adult rat barrel cortex. J Comp Neurol. 1992 Jan 08; 315(2):160-70. View abstract
  89. Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Neve RL, Irwin N, Lewis S, Fischer I, Benowitz LI. Post-transcriptional regulation of GAP-43 rnRNA levels during neuronal differentiation and nerve regeneration. Mol Cell Neurosci. 1991 Oct; 2(5):402-9. View abstract
  90. Shea TB, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Beermann ML, Benowitz LI. Phospholipid-mediated delivery of anti-GAP-43 antibodies into neuroblastoma cells prevents neuritogenesis. J Neurosci. 1991 Jun; 11(6):1685-90. View abstract
  91. Reynolds ML, Fitzgerald M, Benowitz LI. GAP-43 expression in developing cutaneous and muscle nerves in the rat hindlimb. Neuroscience. 1991; 41(1):201-11. View abstract
  92. Fitzgerald M, Reynolds ML, Benowitz LI. GAP-43 expression in the developing rat lumbar spinal cord. Neuroscience. 1991; 41(1):187-99. View abstract
  93. Benowitz LI, Perrone-Bizzozero NI. The expression of GAP-43 in relation to neuronal growth and plasticity: when, where, how, and why? Prog Brain Res. 1991; 89:69-87. View abstract
  94. Dani JW, Armstrong DM, Benowitz LI. Mapping the development of the rat brain by GAP-43 immunocytochemistry. Neuroscience. 1991; 40(1):277-87. View abstract
  95. Benowitz LI, Perrone-Bizzozero NI. The relationship of GAP-43 to the development and plasticity of synaptic connections. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1991; 627:58-74. View abstract
  96. Neve RL, Ivins KJ, Benowitz LI, During MJ, Geller AI. Molecular analysis of the function of the neuronal growth-associated protein GAP-43 by genetic intervention. Mol Neurobiol. 1991; 5(2-4):131-41. View abstract
  97. DiFiglia M, Roberts RC, Benowitz LI. Immunoreactive GAP-43 in the neuropil of adult rat neostriatum: localization in unmyelinated fibers, axon terminals, and dendritic spines. J Comp Neurol. 1990 Dec 22; 302(4):992-1001. View abstract
  98. Moya KL, Benowitz LI, Schneider GE. Abnormal retinal projections alter GAP-43 patterns in the diencephalon. Brain Res. 1990 Sep 17; 527(2):259-65. View abstract
  99. Benowitz LI, Rodriguez WR, Neve RL. The pattern of GAP-43 immunostaining changes in the rat hippocampal formation during reactive synaptogenesis. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1990 Jun; 8(1):17-23. View abstract
  100. Erzurumlu RS, Jhaveri S, Benowitz LI. Transient patterns of GAP-43 expression during the formation of barrels in the rat somatosensory cortex. J Comp Neurol. 1990 Feb 15; 292(3):443-56. View abstract
  101. Yankner BA, Benowitz LI, Villa-Komaroff L, Neve RL. Transfection of PC12 cells with the human GAP-43 gene: effects on neurite outgrowth and regeneration. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1990 Jan; 7(1):39-44. View abstract
  102. Woolf CJ, Reynolds ML, Molander C, O'Brien C, Lindsay RM, Benowitz LI. The growth-associated protein GAP-43 appears in dorsal root ganglion cells and in the dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord following peripheral nerve injury. Neuroscience. 1990; 34(2):465-78. View abstract
  103. Neve RL, Dawes LR, Yankner BA, Benowitz LI, Rodriguez W, Higgins GA. Genetics and biology of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor. Prog Brain Res. 1990; 86:257-67. View abstract
  104. Benowitz LI, Moya KL, Levine DN. Impaired verbal reasoning and constructional apraxia in subjects with right hemisphere damage. Neuropsychologia. 1990; 28(3):231-41. View abstract
  105. Benowitz LI, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Neve RL, Rodriguez W. GAP-43 as a marker for structural plasticity in the mature CNS. Prog Brain Res. 1990; 86:309-20. View abstract
  106. Benowitz LI, Rodriguez W, Paskevich P, Mufson EJ, Schenk D, Neve RL. The amyloid precursor protein is concentrated in neuronal lysosomes in normal and Alzheimer disease subjects. Exp Neurol. 1989 Dec; 106(3):237-50. View abstract
  107. Moya KL, Jhaveri S, Schneider GE, Benowitz LI. Immunohistochemical localization of GAP-43 in the developing hamster retinofugal pathway. J Comp Neurol. 1989 Oct 01; 288(1):51-8. View abstract
  108. Erzurumlu RS, Jhaveri S, Moya KL, Benowitz LI. Peripheral nerve regeneration induces elevated expression of GAP-43 in the brainstem trigeminal complex of adult hamsters. Brain Res. 1989 Sep 25; 498(1):135-9. View abstract
  109. Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Benowitz LI, Apostolides PJ, Franck ER, Finklestein SP, Bizzozero OA. Protein fatty acid acylation in developing cortical neurons. J Neurochem. 1989 Apr; 52(4):1149-55. View abstract
  110. Benowitz LI, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Finklestein SP, Bird ED. Localization of the growth-associated phosphoprotein GAP-43 (B-50, F1) in the human cerebral cortex. J Neurosci. 1989 Mar; 9(3):990-5. View abstract
  111. Caday CG, Apostolides PJ, Benowitz LI, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Finklestein SP. Partial purification and characterization of a neurite-promoting factor from the injured goldfish optic nerve. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1989 Jan; 5(1):45-50. View abstract
  112. Moya KL, Benowitz LI, Jhaveri S, Schneider GE. Changes in rapidly transported proteins in developing hamster retinofugal axons. J Neurosci. 1988 Dec; 8(12):4445-54. View abstract
  113. Daniels EK, Shenton ME, Holzman PS, Benowitz LI, Coleman M, Levin S, Levine D. Patterns of thought disorder associated with right cortical damage, schizophrenia, and mania. Am J Psychiatry. 1988 Aug; 145(8):944-9. View abstract
  114. Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Weiner D, Hauser G, Benowitz LI. Extraction of major acidic Ca2+ dependent phosphoproteins from synaptic membranes. J Neurosci Res. 1988 Jul; 20(3):346-50. View abstract
  115. Finklestein SP, Apostolides PJ, Caday CG, Philips MF, Perrone-Bizzozero NI, Benowitz LI. A factor from the injured lower vertebrate CNS promotes outgrowth from human fetal brain neurons. Brain Res. 1988 May 17; 448(2):346-50. View abstract
  116. Neve RL, Finch EA, Bird ED, Benowitz LI. Growth-associated protein GAP-43 is expressed selectively in associative regions of the adult human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1988 May; 85(10):3638-42. View abstract
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  138. Benowitz LI, Shashoua VE. Rapidly labeled and secreted proteins of the chick brain. J Neurochem. 1979 Mar; 32(3):797-809. View abstract
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  140. Benowitz LI, Shashoua VE. Localization of a brain protein metabolically linked with behavioral plasticity in the goldfish. Brain Res. 1977 Nov 11; 136(2):227-42. View abstract
  141. Benowitz LI, Karten HJ. Organization of the tectofugal visual pathway in the pigeon: a retrograde transport study. J Comp Neurol. 1976 Jun 15; 167(4):503-20. View abstract
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  143. Benowitz L. Conditions for the bilateral transfer of monocular learning in chicks. Brain Res. 1974 Jan 11; 65(2):203-13. View abstract
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  146. Benowitz L, Magnus JG. Memory storage processes following one-trial aversive conditioning in the chick. Behav Biol. 1973 Mar; 8(3):367-80. View abstract
  147. Benowitz L. Effects of forebrain ablations on avoidance learning in chicks. Physiol Behav. 1972 Oct; 9(4):601-8. View abstract