Current Environment: Development


Quality | Overview

We established 5 ambitious goals for 2018 within our quality program, designed to foster outstanding clinical care while achieving high performance on contractual measures. The first 3 goals with specific numeric targets focused on practices that were part of waves 1-3 of our Epic go-live because we had adequate data within those practices to make year-to-year comparisons. The results of our achievements are as follows:

GOAL #1: Increase proportion of 3-6 year old patients with a completed well visit by 10% over previous year

  • 2017 performance: 79.1%; 2018 target: 88.0%
  • 2018 performance: 89.3%

GOAL #2: Increase proportion of 12-21 year old patients with a completed well visit by 10% over previous year

  • 2017 performance: 65.3%; 2018 target: 76.4%
  • 2018 performance: 77.9%

GOAL #3: Increase proportion of completed behavioral health screens at well visits among patients 4-24 years old

  • 2017 performance: 59.8%; 2018 target: 65.8%
  • 2018 performance: 73.5%

GOALS #4 and #5: Analyze variability in specialty visit rates and ED visit rates among PPOC practices and develop plans to reduce utilization among high-utilizing practices

  • With the help of our practice consultant team, we had high levels of engagement in these efforts

While we celebrate our 2018 success, there is no time to rest on our achievements. Please contact Louis Vernacchio with any questions of comments at