Current Environment: Development


Meet Our Team | Overview

Shin-Young Park, PhD Instructor in Pediatrics
Lab Manager
Cesar Nombela-Arrieta, PhD Research Fellow
Geqiang Li, PhD Research Fellow
Yan Sun, PhD Research Fellow
Kimberly Canty Research Technician


Shin-Young Park, Ph.D. - Instructor of Pediatrics, Lab Manager 


1997 Ph.D. State University of New York, Buffalo/RPCI
Microbiology and Molecular Immunology
1989 M.S. Seoul National University
Department of Microbiology
1987 B.S. Seoul National University
Department of Microbiology


  1. Park S-Y, Avraham H, Avraham S. (2000) Characterization of the Tyrosine Kinases RAFTK/Pyk2 and FAK in NGF-induced Neuronal Differentiation. J. Biol. Chem. 275(26):19768-77.
  2. Avraham H, Park S-Y, Schinkmann K, Avraham S. (2000) RAFTK/Pyk2-mediated Cellular Signalling. Cell Signalling. 12:123-33.
  3. Koziak K, Kaczmarek E, Park S-Y, Fu Y, Avraham S, Avraham H. (2001) RAFTK/Pyk2 Involvement in Platelet Activation is Mediated by Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase. British Journal of Haematology. 114(1):134-40. 2001.
  4. Park S-Y, Avraham H, Avraham S. (2002) Functional Aspects of RAFTK/Pyk2 in the Nervous System. Recent Res. Devel. Neurochem. 5:125-42.
  5. McShan G, Zagozdzon R, Park S-Y, Zrihan-Licht S, Fu Y, Avraham S, Avraham H. (2002) Csk-homology Kinase (CHK) Negatively Regulates RAFTK/Pyk2 and Inhibits Migration of Breast Cancer Cells. International Journal of Oncology. 21(1):197-205.
  6. Park S-Y, Avraham H, Avraham S. (2004) RAFTK/Pyk2 Activation is Mediated by Trans-acting Autophosporylation in a Src-Independent Manner. J. Biol. Chem. 279(32):33315-22.
  7. Jiang S, Avraham H, Park S-Y, Kim T, Bu X, Seng S, Avraham S. (2005) Process Elongation of Oligodendrocytes is promoted by the Kelch-Related Protein Mayven. J. of Neurochemistry. 92(5):1191-1203.
  8. Park S-Y, Schinkmann K, Avraham S. (2006) RAFTK/Pyk2 Mediates LPA-Induced Cell Migration in a Ras-Dependent Manner. Cell Signalling. 18(7):1063-1071.
  9. Park S-Y, Li H, Avraham S. (2006) RAFTK/Pyk2 Regulates EGF-Induced PC12 Cell Spreading and Movement. Cell Signalling. In Press.

Cesar Nombela-Arrieta, Ph.D. - Research Fellow


2006 Ph.D. Theodor Kocher Institute (TKI)
University of Bern, Switzerland
2003 Ph.D. Student National Center for Biotechnology (CNB/CSIC), Madrid
Department of Immunology
2006 Diploma in Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Pharmacy
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
1999 Diploma in Pharmacy Universidad Complutense de Madrid



  1. Stein JV, Fernandez-Soriano S, M'Rini C, Nombela-Arrieta C, Gonzalez de Buitrago G, Rodriguez-Frade JM, Mellado M, Girard JP, Martinez-A C. (2003) CCR7-mediated physiological lymphocyte homing involves activation of a tyrosine kinase pathway. Blood. Jan 1;101(1):38-40.
  2. Nombela-Arrieta C, Lacalle AR, Montoya MC, Megias D, Marques M, Carrera A-C, Manes S, Fukui Y, Martinez-A C, Stein JV. (2004) Differential requirements for DOCK2 and phosphoinositide-3-kinase y during T and B lymphocyte homing. Immunity. Sep;21(3):429-441.
  3. Garcia-Bernal D, Wright N, Sotillo-Mallo E, Nombela-Arrieta C, Stein JV, Bustelo XR, Teixido J. (2005) Vav1 and Rac control chemokine-promoted T lymphocyte adhesion mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1. Mol Biol Cell. Jul;16(7):3223-3235.
  4. Stein JV, Nombela-Arrieta C. (2005) Chemokine control of lymphocyte trafficking: a general overview. Immunology. Sep;116(1):1-12. Review.
  5. Garcia-Bernal D, Sotillo-Mallo E, Nombela-Arrieta C, Fukui Y, Stein JV, Teixido J. (2006) DOCK2 is required for chemokine-promoted human T lymphocyte adhesion under shear stress mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1. Journal of Immunology. Oct 15;177(8):5215-5225.
  6. Nombela-Arrieta C, Mempel TR, Fernandez-Soriano S, Mazo I, Wymann MP, Hirsch E, Martinez-A C, Fukui Y, von Andrian UH, Stein JV. (2007) The roles of DOCK2 and phosphoinositide-3 kinase y during interstitial lymphocyte motility, dwelling time in peripheral lymph nodes and sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1-mediated signaling. J Exp Med. Mar 19;204(3):497-510. Epub 2007 Feb 26.

Geqiang Li, PhD


2004 PhD

Case Western Reserve University

Department of Cancer Biology



Chinese Academy of Science



Wuhan University


Department of Biochemistry




  1. Li G, et al. STAT5 requires the N-domain for suppression of miR15/16, induction of bcl-2, and survival signaling in myeloproliferative disease. Blood, 2010 Feb 18;115(7):1416-24
  2. Li G, et al. Effective targeting of STAT5-mediated survival in myeloproliferative neoplasms using ABT-737 combined with rapamycin. Leukemia.2010 Aug;24(8):1397-405
  3. Li G,et al. Gab2 promotes hematopoietic stem cell maintenance and self-renewal synergistically with STAT5. Plos One  2010 Feb 10;5(2):e9153
  4. Li G,   et al STAT5 requires the N-domain to maintain hematopoietic stem cellrepopulating function and appropriate lymphoid-myeloid lineage output. Experimental Hematology 2007 Nov; 35(11):1684-94
  5. Li G, et al. An apoptotic signaling pathway in the interferonantiviral response mediated by RNase L and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase. J Biol. Chem. 2004 Jan 9; 279(2):1123-31.
  6. Wang Z, Li G,  and Kevin D. Bunting. Conditional deletion of STAT5 in adult mouse hematopoietic stem cells causes loss of quiescence and permits efficient non-ablative stem cell replacement. Blood. 2009 May 14;113(20):4856-65
  7. Zhang Y, Diaz-Flores E, Li G, et al. Abnormal hematopoiesis in Gab2 mutant mice. Blood. 2007 Jul 1;110(1):116-24;
  8. Friedbichler K, Kerenyi MA, Kovacic B, Li G, et al Stat5a serine 725 and 779 phosphorylation is a prerequisite for hematopoietic transformation. Blood  2010, May 27
  9. Barnstein  BO, Li G, et al. Stat5 expression is required for IgE-mediated mast cell function. J Immunol. 2006 Sep 1;177(5):3421-6.
  10. Chan ER, Lavender H, Li G, et al. An ENU-induced recessive mutation in Mpl leads to thrombocytopenia with overdominance. Experimental Hematology. 2009, 37: 276–284.