Integrating the RITA-T in Practice | Overview
Setting up the RITA-T in Clinic - Pediatric Practices:
- Specific clinicians (pediatrician, and/or NP) are trained on the RITA-T in a practice:
- When other pediatricians in the practice have a child they are concerned about, they refer to the clinician trained. They also start conversation with family and make sure family already connected with EI services.
- Clinician trained on RITA-T then schedules as a preventative visit/Screening visit: completes the RITA-T and write up.
- Referral for evaluation using the RITA-T intake form.
- Trained Residents in their continuity clinics and if seeing someone with concerns, then complete MCHAT and RITA-T in a separate visit.
- Residents start conversation with family, make sure child is receiving EI services.
- If results are in risk range, and if resident concerned, then complete referral to diagnostician using the RITA-T intake form.
- RITA-T Scoring Summary
- RITA-T Report Write-up – Summary and Interpretation
- RITA-T Report Write-up – Provider Administration
Setting up the RITA-T in Early Intervention
- A group of providers trained specifically on the RITA-T. Usually providers in an Autism subgroup within EI program.
- When providers are working with a child and they have concerns for ASD, if they are not trained for the RITA-T, they refer to providers trained with it for administration.
- Providers start a conversation with the family while referring to the RITA-T diagnostic clinic.
- Example of a particular EI program - THOM in Worcester
Level 1 Screening:
If the toddler is younger than 18 months, you can use the CSBSDP-IT
If toddler older than 18 months, you can use the MCHAT-R/F
History and Observation Tool to Facilitate Evaluation of Children with Suspected ASD:
We have put together this form to facilitate the evaluation of children with suspected ASD. We use this in addition to a level-1 screen and the RITA-T to develop a clinical impression.