Current Environment: Development


Content | Overview


The Child HCAHPS survey includes 18 composite and single-item measures:

Communication with Parent

  • Communication between you and your child's nurses    
  • Communication between you and your child's doctors    
  • Communication about your child's medicines    
  • Keeping you informed about your child's care    
  • Privacy when talking with doctors, nurses, and other providers    
  • Preparing you and your child to leave hospital    
  • Keeping you informed about your child's care in the Emergency Room

Communication with Child

  • How well nurses communicate with your child    
  • How well doctors communicate with your child    
  • Involving teens in their care

Attention to Safety and Comfort   

  • Preventing mistakes and helping you report concerns    
  • Responsiveness to the call button    
  • Helping your child feel comfortable    
  • Paying attention to your child's pain

Hospital Environment    

  • Cleanliness of hospital room    
  • Quietness of hospital room

Global Rating

  • Overall rating
  • Recommend hospital

Downloads & Contact Information

A final version of the Child HCAHPS survey is available on the AHRQ CAHPS website. Hospitals interested in learning more about the Child HCAHPS instrument may contact or their HCAHPS-approved vendor.