Current Environment: Development


Eligibility | Overview

Because hand transplantation is an experimental procedure, doctors need to be very selective when finding candidates who meet the criteria for the study. Although each patient will be assessed individually, certain guidelines for eligibility and exclusion in Boston Children's Hand Transplant Program will be followed. Boston Children's hand transplant principal investigator is currently looking for patients who:

  • are in good overall health
  • are between 10 and 25 years of age
  • have, for one or more years, been:
    • missing both hands
    • missing one hand but are already on immunosuppression medication for a functioning solid organ transplant
    • missing a hand but the other hand is poorly functioning

Because there is a good deal of follow-up care and monitoring, in addition to the eligibility criteria above, we request that patients live in or near Boston or be willing to relocate for at least six months post-transplant. If your child fits the description above and you are interested in learning more about the hand transplant study, please contact us. Our team will then set up a consultation to decide if screening your child for the hand transplant study is appropriate. Please call 877-TX4-PEDS to speak with our Hand Transplant Program coordinator.