Current Environment: Development


Related publications

Shane HC, Weiss-Kapp S, Cordeiro R. Using the Procedural Knowledge Profile® To Establish Communication Goals and Objectives, Presented at Autism Society of America National Conference, Providence, RI, July, 2006.

Shane HC. Practical applications of Observational Learning (Video Modeling) for Improving Learning and Communication. Presented at the Annual Milestones Conference. Cleveland, Ohio, June, 2006.

Shane HC. Systematic Use of Video Supports for Persons with ASD, presented at the Spring Conference of the New Hampshire Speech, Language, Hearing Association, Concord, NH, April, 2006.

Shane HC, Caves K, Higginbotham J, Russell S. Lecture; Access to AAC: Present, Past, and Future, presented at the Twenty-First Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2006.

Shane HC, Sorce J, Weiss-Kapp S. Video Technology for Language Instruction for Children with ASD, presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association San Diego, CA, November, 2005.

Shane HC, Ducoff P. Electronic Screen Media for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders, presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA, November, 2005.

Shane HC. The Systematic Use Of Visual Supports For Persons On The Autism Spectrum, Centro Benedetta D'Intino, Milan, Italy, October, 2005.

Shane HC, DeRuyter F, Bauer S, Cohen D, Caves K. Assistive Technology: Challenges to the Federal Laboratories, Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer, Orlando, Florida, January, 2004.

Shane HC, Kearns K, Tourian M, Weiss-Kapp S. Monarch National Language Curriculum for Generalization of Language Concepts, presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2004.

Shane HC, Kearns K, Taurian M, Weiss-Kapp S. Managing Autism Outcomes: The Participation, Accuracy, and Independence Scales, presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2004.

Shane HC, Blackstone S, Rubin E. AAC and Autism: Current Practice and Future Directions, presented at CSUN Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2004.

Shane HC, Cordeiro, R. The Internet as a Service Delivery Medium for Assistive Technology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, Illinois, November, 2003.

Shane HC. Using Technology to Enhance Communication of Students with Autism, presented at the annual conference United Cerebral Palsy of New York, Albany, NY, March, 2003.

Invited speaker, Caves K, Boemler S, Linsenmeyer E, DeRuyter F. Using Automatic Voice Recognition with People with Dysarthric Speech, presented at Assistive Technology Industry Conference, Orlando, Florida, January, 2003.

Shane HC, Douglas ML. Lecture; Investigation into the Use of Intelligent Agents in Children Evidencing Autism, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA, November, 2002.

Shane HC. Live interactive web cast, Autism and AAC: Visual Supports to Enhance Communication in Autism and Related Disorder, sponsored by The Kornreich Technology Center and RERC on Communication Enhancement, January, 2002.


Shane HC, Weiss-Kapp S. Visual language for survival: enhancing language for persons on the autism spectrum. Book in preparation.

Shane HC, Higgenbotham J, Caves K, Russell S. Access to AAC, AAC Journal. In press.

Shane HC. Using visual scene displays to improve communication and communication instruction in persons with autism spectrum disorders. Special Interest Division 12, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 15 (1), (2006)

Shane HC, Caves K, DeRuyter F. Connecting AAC devices to the world of information technology. AAC: Alternative and Augmentative Communication, RESNA Press, Volume 14.1/Summer 2002:81-89.

Shane HC, Kenna M, Woolf A, eds. The Children's Hospital Guide to Your Child's Health and Development. Perseus: Cambridge, MA, 2001.

Shane HC, and others. Communication Disorders Primer for Pediatric Otolaryngology. In: Pediatric Otolaryngology: Principles and Practice Pathways. Wetmore R, Muntz H, McGill T, eds. Thieme: NY, NY, 1999.

Shane HC, Kirsch I, Burgess CA, Niederauer KL, Graham SM, Bacon A. Facilitated communication as an ideomotor response. Psychological Science, Volume 9, January 1998:71-74.

Shane HC. Facilitated communication: Why it isn't real. Clinically Speaking Newsletter, Volume 11, Number 1, 1994;(April):1-3-5.

Shane HC, ed. The clinical and sociological phenomenon of facilitated communication. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, 1994.

Shane HC, Green G. Facilitated communication: The claims versus the evidence. The Harvard Mental Health Letter, Volume 10, Number 6,1993;(December):4-5.


Shane HC, inventor; Portable Computer Housing. US patent D404376. 1999 Jan 10.

Shane HC, inventor; Computer Carrying Bag. US patent 5887777. 1999 Mar 30.


  • 1995: Kleffner Clinical Achievement Award, Massachusetts Speech-Language- Hearing Association
  • 1993: Pioneer Award, The Massachusetts Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children
  • 1992: Isabelle and Leonard H. Goldenson Technology Award, United Cerebral Palsy
  • 1989: Finalist, Computerworld Smithsonian Awards