Current Environment: Development


An Interactive Autism Screening Tool for Early Childhood Providers

Currently the average age of diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the US is close to 4 years of age (signs can be seen as early as 12 months of age).

It is important to think of a new system and new way to identify early ASD:
To identify early to treat early and to change the course of the disorder and significantly reduce its impact.

This is an urgent public health need and not only in the US but globally.
Roula Choueiri, MD, is the co-developer of the Rapid Interactive Screening Test for Autism in Toddlers (RITA-T). The RITA-T will allow the screening and identification of toddlers as early as 18 months of age.  

Latest News

Maria DeMeo standing in front of poster presentation

Check it out! Maria DeMeo, MSC, CPNP, presenting her poster "Improving Access and Equity in Autism with an Interdisciplinary New Model Integrating the Rapid Interactive Screening Test for Autism in Toddlers (RITA-T)" at the Association of Child Neurology Nurses (ACNN) conference in Vancouver, Canada. Way to go, Maria!

RITA-T Kits are now available!

Click here to purchase.

UPDATE on the RITA-T Kits: We have added more diverse infant/toddler pictures with our screening kit!

*The RITA-T Team will be updating the administration of item I: Mirror: Self-Recognition. Please check back on the course site or our website for updates as we continue to develop this. Updates to the training course and RITA-T material will be made accordingly. *

The RITA-T Team is happy to announce we now have translated material in Spanish and Portuguese! For translations on how to integrate the RITA-T in Practice, click here.

A group of diverse baby photos in black and white.
Dr. Choueiri, a woman wearing a black shirt, holds two images up to a toddler boy wearing a superman shirt.

What is the RITA-T Screening Test?

The RITA-T is a new Level 2 screening tests: it is to be administered on young children identified at risk for ASD, or who scored positive on a Level 1 screening test, or providers are worried about.

A woman stands in front of a whiteboard holding two images out to a man and a woman who sit at a table.

RITA-T Training Course

We have developed an online training program to improve access, while providing at the same time educational material on early signs of autism, different models that have integrated the RITA-T.

An image of the top part of the globe with light blue lines bouncing from one country to another.

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