Current Environment: Development


Global Impact | Overview

The world comes to Boston Children’s for answers, but our surgical team also travels the world to answer the questions of cardiac specialists who want to understand how we treat congenital heart disease (CHD).

Sharing expertise

We train surgical teams around the world so they can perform complex surgeries themselves and give children an opportunity to lead healthy lives. We share research findings, demonstrate innovative surgical techniques, and show how teams work together.

We’re privileged to help hospitals and clinics that don’t have the resources available. We also bring our hosts’ proven ideas back to Boston because they often find amazing ways to do more with less.

This global network of surgeons constantly collaborates — at conferences and seminars and through virtual meetings and telephone calls — so that we can together learn the best modern approaches to treatment.

Illustration of two hands holding a heart and a globe

Stay connected

Follow us on the Benderson Family Heart Center Twitter account for the latest updates on where our team is traveling: @BCH_HeartCenter.