Current Environment: Development


Office of Community Health webinars and events

The Office of Community Health has hosted a number of webinars since 2020. Links for viewing are available below.

An update on the Collaboration for Community Health

Boston Children’s as an Anchor Institution: A look at the strategy and its impact on our community

Panel Discussion from the Collaboration for Community Health Funded Partner Convening on May 11, 2023  — COVID-19 and the impact on children’s mental and behavioral health

An Overview of the Collaboration for Community Health and Highlights from the 2022 Annual Report

Collaboration for Community Health: Meet 2 Partners in Youth Development and Mental Health Systems

An Overview of Boston Children's 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment

Early Childhood Education and Policy

Overview of the Boston Children’s Community Mission and Update on Family Food Connections

A Conversation with the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance

A Conversation with Strategies for Children

Healthy in the City: Boston Children’s Partnership with Health Centers and Supporting Families thorough Case Management

Going Beyond Health Care: Strategies to Assess and Respond to the Social Needs of Children and Families (April 26, 2022)

This webinar discussed the role of health care providers in addressing the social needs of families and helping them to overcome barriers and achieve greater stability. Boston Children’s provider and a representative from one of our partners, Project Bread, discussed this important topic.

Boston Children’s takes an innovative approach to support neighborhood-based projects improving community health (April 12, 2022)

This webinar featured Boston Children’s Hospital’s support of place-based, collective impact projects through its Child Health Equity Initiative (CHEq). The CHEq initiative, part of Boston Children’s Collaboration for Community Health, unites organizations within a neighborhood in their efforts to achieve health equity, improve community cohesion, and strengthen programs and services for children and families. The Nubian Neighborhood Network is featured.

The Impact of COVID on Children’s Mental and Behavioral Health (Sept. 22, 2021)

This webinar focused on how COVID-19 exacerbated mental and behavioral health access and concerns for children in Boston. This discussion explored the resources available to children and families, and how schools have been and continue to be impacted.

Food Insecurity: Strategies to Support Families (June 15, 2021)

This webinar highlighted how food insecurity continues to be a concern for many Boston Children’s patients and families in the community. Boston Children’s strategies to address this issue were explored, and Mattapan Community Health Center was also featured.

Economic Justice and the Earned Income Tax Credit: Two Part Session on Family Financial Mobility in Massachusetts (April 27-28, 2021)

This two-part series on Family Financial Mobility in Massachusetts was co-hosted by the Office of Community Health and the Office of Government Relations. The first session focused on the issues families are facing and the community programming and investments to address these issues. The second session focused on advocacy and specifically the Earned Income Tax Credit.

2020 Community Health Showcase

The Community Health Showcase is hosted annually by the Office of Community Health at Boston Children’s Hospital. This event began as a poster session for internal staff and departments to share ideas and best practices in community health. Over the last 12 years, this event has evolved and become a key event to highlight the programs, services and partnerships that fulfill the hospital’s community mission.

This year the Office of Community Health took a virtual approach to this very special event. This year, poster authors recorded full versions of their poster presentations in advance this year. These were hosted on a website leading up to two live Q&A sessions. These recordings can be found below by using the link to the 2020 Community Health Showcase Gallery.

On Oct. 14, 2020, the live Q&A sessions took place. This gave participants and fellow poster authors a chance to directly interact with presenters and ask questions about their work and programs.

If you have questions about this event, email Jessica Clement.

View the Poster Gallery

Highlights from Previous Community Health Showcase Events

The Community Health Showcase is hosted annually by the Office of Community Health at Boston Children’s Hospital. This event began as a poster session for internal staff and departments to share ideas and best practices in community health. Over the last 12 years, this event has evolved and become a key event to highlight the programs, services and partnerships that fulfill the hospital’s community mission.  

This event is one way that Boston Children’s acts as a convener- bringing together hospital departments and community organizations to share ideas, network, and partner with one another.

Participants (staff and community organizations) are invited to present on their program and community work through an academic poster session. Abstracts are submitted and reviewed by  selection committee who reviews and determines which posters will be shared.  Posters presentations focus on a program’s accomplishments, challenges, and outcomes.

It’s a great opportunity to surround yourself with others that are passionate about community health. It definitely helps to reenergize me.

Community Health Showcase Participant

2019 Community Health Showcase Speaking Program

Keynote Address:
Making a Healthier World: Addressing the Root Causes of Health

Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH
Dean, Robert A Knox Professor, School of Public Health Boston University and member of Boston Children’s Board Committee for Community Service
Click here to listen to the keynote address delivered by Dr. Galea.

Panel Discussion:
Collaborating and Partnering with Caregivers and Parents
The speakers for this session were:
Shella Dennery, PhD, LICSW
Program Director of the Boston Children’s Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships Program (BCHNP)

Celeste Atallah-Gutierrez, PhD
BCHNP Psychologist at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School

Richard Claytor
Director of Programs, Family Nurturing Center and Boston Family Engagement Network

Ron Ferguson, PhD
Founder of Boston Basics

Diana Garcia, parent
Network Coordinator at Union Capital Boston

Click here to listen to the panel discussion about family and parent engagement.

A selection of 2019 Community Health Showcase Posters

    The inspiration of the keynote and opportunity to network and learn during the poster session.

    Community Health Showcase Participant

    Community Health Grand Rounds

    The Office of Community Health hosts Community Health Grand rounds throughout the year. These are educational sessions that bring together hospital staff and external partners to discuss a particular community health topic.

    On May 27, 2020, the Office of Community Health hosted a virtual grand rounds session entitled: Impact of COVID-19 on our Community. Below is a recording of that session.


    • Andria Amador, EdD, Senior Director of Behavioral Health Services, Boston Public Schools
    • Philly Laptiste, MHA, Executive Director, Bowdoin Street Health Center
    • Mike Leyba, Community Organizer, City Life / Vida Urbana
    • Snehal Shah, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School; Staff Physician, Boston Children's Hospital Primary Care Center; Associate Medical Director for Community Integration, Department of Accountable Care and Clinical Integration, Boston Children’s.
    • Anu Vyavaharkar, LICSW, MPH, Clinical Social Worker, Boston Children’s Primary Care