Current Environment: Development


Researcher | Research Overview

Seong-Moon received his PhD from POSTECH, Korea in 2010, where he studied the function of regulators controlling TGF-beta signaling pathway during Xenopus development. He joined the lab in September 2011.

Selected Publications

  1. Cheong, S.M., Choi, H., Hong, B. S., Gho, Y. S. and Han, J.K. (2012) Dab2 is pivotal for endothelial cell migration by mediating VEGF expression in cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research (in press).

  2. Cheong, S.M., Kim, H., and Han, J.K. (2009) Identification of a novel negative regulator of activin/nodal signaling in mesendodermal formation of Xenopus embryos. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284(25):17052-17060.

  3. Kim, H., Cheong, S.M., Ryu, J., Jung, H.J., Jho, E., and Han, J.K. (2009) Xenopus Wntless and the Retromer complex cooperate to regulate XWnt4 secretion. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 29(8):2118-2128.

  4. Cheong, S.M., Choi, S.C., and Han, J.K. (2006) Xenopus Dab2 is required for embryonic angiogenesis. BMC Developmental Biology. 6:63.