Current Environment: Development


Researcher | Research Overview

Dr. Hae-Young Kim‘s primary research interest is the design, planning, and analysis of studies, as well as statistical methodological research. She has been involved in designing and analyzing data from clinical trials and observational studies and has substantial collaborative experience in different therapeutic areas. She is also interested in statistical methods in clustered correlated data, survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis, and sample size/power calculations.

Researcher | Research Background

Dr. Kim joined Boston Children’s Hospital in 2023 as a faculty biostatistician in the Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Enhancement and the Biostatistics and Research Design Center in the Institutional Centers of Clinical and Translational Research. Dr. Kim holds a doctorate in Biostatistics from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has been a biostatistician or co-investigator in many NIH grants, reviewed clinical papers for numerous journals, and taught graduate-level biostatistics courses. Prior to joining Boston Children's, she served as Associate Professor in Biostatistics in the Department of Public Health at the New York Medical College.

Selected Publications

  1. Human cortical interneurons optimized for grafting specifically integrate, abort seizures, and display prolonged efficacy without over-inhibition. Neuron. 2022 Dec 29;S0896-6273(22)01087-X. PMID: 36626901.
  2. Impact of Schizophrenia GWAS Loci Converge onto Distinct Pathways in Cortical Interneurons vs Glutamatergic Neurons During Development. Molecular Psychiatry. 2022 Oct;27(10):4218-4233. PMID: 35701597.
  3. Hypertension among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Cameroon: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from Central Africa International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS. PLoS One. 2021 Jul 22;16(7):e0253742. PMID: 34292956.
  4. Activated Microglia Cause Metabolic Disruptions in Developmental Cortical Interneurons That Persist in Interneurons from Individuals with Schizophrenia. Nature Neuroscience. 2020 Nov;23(11):1352-1364. PMID: 33097921.
  5. Anogenital Human Papillomavirus and HIV Infection in Rwandan Men Who Have Sex with Men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2020 Aug 15;84(5):463-469. PMID: 32692104.
  6. Factors Impacting Physical Therapy Utilization for Patients with Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Retrospective Analysis of a Clinical Data Set. Physical Therapy. 2020 Aug 31;100(9):1502-1515. PMID: 32386221.
  7. iPSC-Derived Homogeneous Populations of Developing Schizophrenia Cortical Interneurons Have Compromised Mitochondrial Function. Molecular Psychiatry. 2020 Nov;25(11):2873-2888. PMID: 31019265.
  8. Dysregulated Protocadherin-Pathway Activity as an Intrinsic Defect in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cortical Interneurons from Subjects with Schizophrenia. Nature Neuroscience. 2019 Feb;22(2):229-242. PMID: 30664768.
  9. Power and sample size calculations for interval-censored survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 2016 Apr 15;35(8):1390-400. PMID: 26643411.
  10. Preoperative Urodynamic Parameters (Valsalva Leak Point Pressure and Maximum Urethral Closure Pressure), Urinary Collagen and Plasma Vitamin D Levels as Predictors of Mid Urethral Sling Surgery Outcome. Journal of Urology, 2016 Sep;196(3):819-23. PMID: 27113967.
  11. Impact of Spironolactone on Longitudinal Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life in the Treatment of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure with an Aldosterone Antagonist Trial. Circulation: Heart Failure. 2016 Mar;9(3):e001937. PMID: 26962133.
  12. Dysregulated arginine metabolism and cardiopulmonary dysfunction in patients with thalassaemia. British Journal of Haematology. 2015 Jun;169(6):887-98. PMID: 25907665.
  13. Risks Factors and Mortality Associated with an Elevated Tricuspid Regurgitant Jet Velocity Measured by Doppler Echocardiography in Thalassemia: A Thalassemia Clinical Research Network Report. Blood. 2011 Oct 6;118(14):3794-802. PMID: 21772051.
  14. Des-Gamma-Carboxy Prothrombin and Alpha Fetoprotein as Biomarkers for the Early Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gastroenterology, 2010 Feb;138(2):493-502. PMID: 19852963.
  15. Outcome of Sustained Virological Responders with Histologically Advanced Chronic Hepatitis C. Hepatology. 2010 Sep; 52(3): 833–844. PMID: 20564351.

Researcher | Publications