Current Environment: Development


Researcher | Research Overview

Dr. Lennerz research focuses on understanding the impact of nutrition on brain and metabolic health, and on clarifying cerebral mechanisms that regulate food intake and energy homeostasis in obesity and type one diabetes.

In an ongoing clinical trial, she is evaluating the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on glycemic control, and metabolic health in individuals with type one diabetes. Ancillary studies evaluate the effects of the low-carb diet on brain hypoglycemia tolerance, glucagon response duding hypoglycemia, exercise-induced hypoglycemia, and for cravings.

Researcher | Research Background

  Dr. Lennerz completed medical school at Friedrich Alexander University in Germany in 2005. She did her pediatric residency at St. Louis Children’s Hospital from 2006-2009, followed by a fellowship in pediatric endocrinology at Boston Children’s Hospital from 2009-2011 and 2014-2015. Dr. Lennerz spent 3 years from 2011-2014 at Ulm University to obtain credentialing in pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology in Germany and acquire focused training in obesity. She has joined the endocrine division at Boston Children’s Hospital after finishing her fellowship in 2015.

Researcher | Publications