Current Environment: Development


Application Overview | Overview

A collage of eight photos of PACaRI interns in different settings with a screenshot of them on zoom in the middle.

The Pediatric Anesthesia Clinical and Research Internship is open to undergraduate and graduate students interested in careers in research and healthcare. Students must be in good academic and judicial standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Students are accepted into one of two tracks: summer (May-August) or nine-month (August-April) internship. Please note that admission to the PACaRI is competitive. The internship is open only to U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.

Other requirements:

  • commit to at least 20 to 25 hours a week
  • must receive academic credit from their institutions
  • detail oriented, self-directed, and eager to learn
  • interest in the healthcare field
  • statistical analysis skills (preferred)

Summer PACaRI 2024 no longer accepts new students. Please reach back in Fall for Summer PACaRI 2025.


Is the internship paid?

No. At this time we are not able to compensate our interns.

What type of schedule should I expect, and what is the time commitment?

We expect interns to commit at least 20 hours/week that can be largely scheduled based on interns' preferences.

Will I be able to observe cases in the OR and how often?

For interns who are here for one full year, once your project is underway and you have completed at least 10% of the work, you will be trained as an anesthesia technician and will be in the OR one day a week. For students who are here for a shorter amount of time, you will be able to shadow cases on a regular basis.

How long is anesthesia technician training? Will I be working on my own in the OR once trained?

Although you will find yourself very busy in the OR, you will not be working on your own.  You will always be working with an anesthesia technician already on staff so that you may ask questions, troubleshoot issues, etc.

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