Current Environment: Development


Kathryn Broyles | Medical Services

Kathryn Broyles | Education

Undergraduate School

University of Mississippi Medical Center

2007, Jackson, MS

Graduate School

George Washington University

2017, Washington, DC

Kathryn Broyles | Professional History

Kathryn Broyles is a nurse practitioner in the Home Parenteral Nutrition Program at Boston Children's Hospital. She works with patients with short bowel syndrome or intestinal failure who require total parenteral nutrition support. Prior to this, Kathryn worked as a registered nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC caring for premature and critically ill infants.

Kathryn strives to develop relationships with her patients and families built on mutual trust, respect, and open communication. She believes that caregivers play an integral part in the overall wellbeing of her patients.