Current Environment: Development


Do you provide housing?

No, we do not arrange for student housing. Each student is responsible for finding their own housing.

If I am not accepted into the program, may I be placed on a waiting list in case there is an opening?

Yes. Students who are not accepted in the first round are automatically placed on a waiting list. If an accepted student declines the offer, opening a slot in the program, waitlisted students are contacted to determine if they are still interested in participating in the program.

I applied to the Summer Student Research Program and I understand that you will not be making acceptance decisions for several more weeks, but I really need to know sooner. I was offered another position for the summer and, although your program is my first choice, I do not want to forgo this other opportunity in the event that I am not accepted to the Summer Student Research Program.

If you have a pressing issue that necessitates knowing your acceptance status before the announcement date, you may contact the program coordinator to explain your situation. We will do our best to update you on the current status of your application.

The application you sent me asks for my GPA. I attend school outside of the United States and our grading system is different. What should I do?

If you attend an institution that has a different grading system, please arrange for a copy of your transcript to be mailed or emailed to the program coordinator.

You've asked me to submit a "CV." What is that?

A CV, or curriculum vitae, is a written description of your work experience, educational background, and skills. Very similar to a resume, it is commonly used by individuals seeking an academic position at a college or university, or in a hospital setting.

I have a prior commitment at the end of June and will not be able to participate in the program until the beginning of July. Is this ok?

Your exact start and end dates will be determined by you and your mentor. Although participation in the program requires an eight-week commitment between June and August, you may work out a mutually agreeable schedule with your mentor.

In addition to working on a research project in my mentor's lab, are there any other activities planned?

Yes. There will be a number of scheduled activities in which you may choose to participate. Please refer to the information provided on the about the program page.