Current Environment: Development


Educational Curriculum | Overview

In addition to broad based clinical training, the PCCM Fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital rests heavily on a strong didactic and simulation based educational platform. The didactic program is anchored by a core fellow’s colloquium, including lessons on pathophysiology and critical care therapies, in addition to an evidence based medicine year-long tutorial, based on the Canadian McMaster University program. Additionally, the fellowship has an extensive ICU-based high fidelity simulator program with training in crisis resource management, communication, procedural skills, and review of pertinent cases.

The educational curriculum for fellows consists of clinical, didactic, and simulation based components. In addition to interaction with faculty during clinical rounds and at the bedside, members of the critical care faculty, as well as those from other divisions, provide additional didactic sessions designed especially for the critical care fellows. Our recurring curriculum allows fellows to develop a solid foundation of pathophysiology as well as other aspects of comprehensive care delivery and academic medicine throughout the course of their training. Additionally, our curriculum gives fellows multiple opportunities to both present at and lead conferences within and outside of the Division, contributing to the development of their academic, career, and professional skills. A list of conferences that comprise our educational curriculum can be found below.




7:30 AM

Morning Curriculum



1:00 PM

Fellow's Colloquium




2:00 PM


Neurocritical Care Conference

(First Tuesday of Month)



Academic Development and Research Conference for Fellows

(Second Tuesday of Month)



Surgical Critical Care Conference (Third Tuesday of Month)


Transport Medicine Conference

(Fourth Tuesday of Month)



12:00 PM


Respiratory Curriculum (First Wednesday of Month)



1:00 PM


Case Conference (First, Second, and Fourth Wednesdays of Month)


Morbidity Conference (Third Wednesday of Month)


2:00 PM




Research Conference for Faculty and Fellows (Fourth Wednesday of Month)



12:00 PM


Issues in Critical Care (First Thursday of Month)


Evidence Based Medicine Series (Second Thursday of Month)


Mortality Conference (Third Thursday of Month)


 Works in Progress (Fourth Thursday of Month)



6:30 AM

Anesthesia Series Lectures