Current Environment: Development


Research Opportunities | Overview

There are multiple resources available for clinical research, including ready access to a departmental PhD statistician, computer access throughout the department and hospital, two in-house (in our department) IT professionals to help with information storage, and a clinical research coordinator to help with IRB development and clinical research ethics training. Dr. Reza Rahbar, Fellowship Director, and Dr. Margaret Kenna, Director of Clinical Research, contact the incoming fellows before their BCH arrival to discuss research projects and help plan for what resources will be needed when they arrive. When the trainees arrive, Dr. Rahbar and Dr. Kenna have monthly meetings with them to focus a research topic, provide needed resources, and then do work-in-progress follow-up. In addition, the trainees have access to the clinical research resources at BCH, including the hospital IRB and clinical research program.

There are three full time NIH-funded PhD researchers (Dr. Gwenaelle Geleoc, and Dr. Jeffrey Holt) working within our Pediatric Otolaryngology department, with their labs in the building next door to our clinical building. Since we are also part of the academic Harvard Medical School Department of Otology and Laryngology, all trainees have access to researchers in the Eaton Peabody Laboratories at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary as well.