Current Environment: Development


Cardiac Imaging | Overview

Male instructor wearing shirt and tie points to diagram on white board

The advanced fellowship program in cardiac imaging at Boston Children’s Hospital has a three-decade history of preparing pediatric cardiologists for an academic career in imaging congenital and pediatric heart disease. The program accepts two to three fellows each year into a clinical track or a research track. The one-year clinical track aims to train fellows in echocardiography (transthoracic, transesophageal, intraoperative, and fetal) and cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), and computed tomography (CT). This track is ideal for those interested in a career in congenital/pediatric cardiac imaging, including teaching and research. The time allocation is approximately 80 percent clinical and 20 percent research activities. The clinical time is divided roughly equally between modalities, with some flexibility depending on individual interest and programmatic needs. Fellows engage in imaging-related clinical research and mentored teaching activities throughout the year. The two-year research track aims to prepare fellows for a career that focuses on imaging-related clinical research while engaging in advance clinical imaging. During the fellowship, 50 percent of the time is dedicated to research and 50 percent to clinical training.

The cardiac imaging fellows actively participate in daily didactic and clinical conferences, including an echo didactic conference (Monday), the Benderson Family Heart Center’s weekly surgical conference (Tuesday), echo case presentation (Tuesday), CMR/CT conference (Thursday), and the fellowship core curriculum lecture series (Friday). In addition, cardiac imaging fellows have key roles in the Cardiac Imaging Division’s M&M and research conferences. To apply to the cardiac imaging senior fellowship program, please download the application here. (Please avoid using Internet Explorer.)

Timeline for application and selection

  1. Deadline for completed application: July 1
    The application and all required documents must be emailed to
  2. Interviews: Aug. 1 to Sept. 30
  3. Final selection: Oct. 31

Contact information

Beatris Leiva
Boston Children’s Hospital, Department of Cardiology
300 Longwood Ave., BCH 3215
Boston, MA 02115
617-355-7366; fax: 617-739-6282