Current Environment: Development


For many of children with chronic, hard-to-manage headaches, an evaluation at the Chronic Pain Medicine Headache Clinic at our Brookline campus may be recommended.

At the Chronic Pain Medicine Headache Clinic, your child will be evaluated by a pain specialist, a psychologist, and a nurse practitioner who all specialize in complex headache management. The first appointment takes approximately three and a half to four hours, because each member of the team spends the time necessary to talk with you and your child in depth so we can better understand your child’s condition and potential pain triggers. If relevant and available, we also review previous medical records and images.

Our approach includes prescribing appropriate medications and supplements. Additional services offered include injections (Botox, trigger point, and occipital nerve blockades) and admission for medication infusions (Toradol, Depakote, Lidocaine, and DHE). In addition to prescribing medications, we frequently work with psychologists and practitioners of various forms of complementary medicine, as non-pharmacological strategies have been very effective in helping children with headaches. The use of the non-medication therapies allows us to address more aspects of your child’s condition. Therapies we may recommend include:

We also collaborate with Boston Children’s Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Center prior to patients’ admission to this program.

We understand that for families not living in the Boston area, travel time may be a significant limiting factor. During your first appointment, we will try to find specialists in your area who can provide any indicated follow-up care.

Please note: The Chronic Pain Medicine Headache Clinic does not focus on recent-onset headaches or urgent care. If your child needs immediate evaluation or care, please call your primary care provider.